Saying goodbye is hard. Saying goodbye in a dream then waking up is even harder.
I dreamt my mother, my grandmother and I were at Longs Drugs (I refuse to call it CVS now, fuck that). Only this one is huge like a Wal Mart. My grandma is wearing my sweats from Middle School for some reason, my favorite sweats that are so baggy and huge, as was the fashion in 1998, that they STILL fit me to this day.
She said she had to go to the bathroom and we continue shopping. We buy nothing and we go in search of my grandma to the bathroom.
We find her sitting at a chair outside the bathroom door, with a serene smile. My mother says something along the lines of "Lets go Mom".
"you guys go, I think I'll stay here" she answers back. Thats when it hits me. My grandma passed away on March 23, 2009. How in the F is she here shopping with us?
"Ok thats NOT creepy" my smartass mutters as we leave the store my mother and I and get in the car.
Something makes me look back. Its my grandma. Shes getting on the back of a Harley Davidson hog, driven by a blond rebel looking dude with a leather jacket and shades, a bad ass from the '50s.
"Say bye to your abuelita" my mom says.
I look out the window and see the bike is following us. "Where is she going?" I ask. I get no response.
The whole time my grandma has a smile on her face, the bike starts to elevate and ride up...two three feet.
The bike passes us on the right side and I see my grandma smiling as the bike elevates higher, riding into the sky.
My stupid ass is crying by now and one last time I say another smartass stupid thing:
*crying*..."my sweats..." shes taking my favorite sweats to heaven.
My grandma almost telepathically probably heard me. With one quick swipe she takes them off and i look next to me to the left and on the car seat are my sweats neatly folded. I cry more.
Then I wake up. Takes me a second to take everything in, and real tears come to my eyes and flood my face for 5 minutes.
Rest In Peace Grandma Chayo. Everyone still and will miss you.
I know youre watching over me.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
The Guadalupe Reyes Marathon
Guadalupe Reyes. No its not the name of someone, althought it might as well could be. Its the name given to a pseudo holiday time, spanning the last weeks of the months of December. It starts on December 12th, Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe, and it ends on January 6th, Day of the Reyes Magos (hence the name Guadalupe Reyes, oh those clever Mexicans).
It just so happens that during these three weeks, there are a total of 16 (more, if you want to make up your own, or if your birthday falls during these weeks) celebrations. Posadas, traditional Mexican Christmas celebrations are celebrated for 9 days. They re-enact Mary and Joseph's plight, searching for an Inn to deliver their baby, only to find none.
At Posadas, people sing songs, pray, and conclude by hitting pinata's, eating the candy inside and the for the adults, they gorge on Tamales or other foods and drink Fruit Punch spiked with booze...or just plain booze. A little hooch to warm you up in the December night cold, while singing carols, oh those wacky Mexicans. Nine days of eating and drinking, all in honor of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Then comes Christmas Eve, Nochebuena, December 24th. The biggest and last Posada is celebrated. A traditional dinner consists of Tamales or Birria, or other foods, and of course excessive drinking of tequila, mescal, sotol, bacanora, aguardiente, rum, beer or any other alcohol beverage known to man or alien. Christmas Gifts are usually exchanged and opened at Midnight, and after opening presents, more drinking.
Christmas Day is for family, opening presents or spending half the morning yacking in the bathroom. A warm bowl of Menudo is apropos for curing one's hangover. Later at night, more drinking.
Three days later on December 28th, is the Day of the Holy Innocents. A sort of April Fools, practical jokes are played on one another. Parties are held and alcohol intake commences once more.
December 31st is New Years Eve. Parties and Firework Blasts light up the night (both fun and bad, the ones that destroy markets or obliterate half the city block due to improperly handled gunpowder and rockets). 12 Grapes are eaten for good luck, one for each month of the year, and of course, booze and drinking contests go on. A fun one is to take a shot of tequila every time a Gobierno Federal commercial comes on, reminding Mexican citizens all is well in the country.
January 1st New Years Day. Everything is dead, everyone feels almost dead. Vomit covers the sidewalks and drunkards awaken on park benches wearing beer carton boxes on their heads. What happened? God Knows. Later, time for more drinking !
January 6th Dia de Reyes (Epiphany). On this day, the good little children who werent assholes all year receive gifts. They write a letter to the 3 Wise Men and leave in inside a shoe. The morning of the 6th the children run to see what the Reyes Magos brought them. Rosca de Reyes bread is eaten, with a little plastic baby inside. Whoever shall find the baby in their piece (and doesnt choke to death on it) has the honor of throwing a party on Dia de La Candelaria (Candlemas) on February 2nd... Mexicans just love weird ass excuses to throw parties.
(you could stop here, if your liver demands it and youre close to dying of Cirrhosis or if youre a savage you could celebrate ol' Lupe's real name: Guadalupe Reyes Candelaria)
February 2nd. Dia de La Candelaria. People drink hot chocolate, canela spiked with tequila (piquete), and eat a shitload of Tamales. Morning is for church and religious processions in honor of la Virgen de la Candelaria and the nighttime is for music, dancing, partying, fireworks and excessive drinking.
The goal of this Marathon is to drink every day. From Dec 12 to Jan 6th, or Feb 2nd if your liver and kidneys dont fail on you. No this doesnt involve running or exercize, you can stop sweating now.
Enjoy! Good Luck!
It just so happens that during these three weeks, there are a total of 16 (more, if you want to make up your own, or if your birthday falls during these weeks) celebrations. Posadas, traditional Mexican Christmas celebrations are celebrated for 9 days. They re-enact Mary and Joseph's plight, searching for an Inn to deliver their baby, only to find none.
At Posadas, people sing songs, pray, and conclude by hitting pinata's, eating the candy inside and the for the adults, they gorge on Tamales or other foods and drink Fruit Punch spiked with booze...or just plain booze. A little hooch to warm you up in the December night cold, while singing carols, oh those wacky Mexicans. Nine days of eating and drinking, all in honor of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Then comes Christmas Eve, Nochebuena, December 24th. The biggest and last Posada is celebrated. A traditional dinner consists of Tamales or Birria, or other foods, and of course excessive drinking of tequila, mescal, sotol, bacanora, aguardiente, rum, beer or any other alcohol beverage known to man or alien. Christmas Gifts are usually exchanged and opened at Midnight, and after opening presents, more drinking.
Christmas Day is for family, opening presents or spending half the morning yacking in the bathroom. A warm bowl of Menudo is apropos for curing one's hangover. Later at night, more drinking.
Three days later on December 28th, is the Day of the Holy Innocents. A sort of April Fools, practical jokes are played on one another. Parties are held and alcohol intake commences once more.
December 31st is New Years Eve. Parties and Firework Blasts light up the night (both fun and bad, the ones that destroy markets or obliterate half the city block due to improperly handled gunpowder and rockets). 12 Grapes are eaten for good luck, one for each month of the year, and of course, booze and drinking contests go on. A fun one is to take a shot of tequila every time a Gobierno Federal commercial comes on, reminding Mexican citizens all is well in the country.
January 1st New Years Day. Everything is dead, everyone feels almost dead. Vomit covers the sidewalks and drunkards awaken on park benches wearing beer carton boxes on their heads. What happened? God Knows. Later, time for more drinking !
January 6th Dia de Reyes (Epiphany). On this day, the good little children who werent assholes all year receive gifts. They write a letter to the 3 Wise Men and leave in inside a shoe. The morning of the 6th the children run to see what the Reyes Magos brought them. Rosca de Reyes bread is eaten, with a little plastic baby inside. Whoever shall find the baby in their piece (and doesnt choke to death on it) has the honor of throwing a party on Dia de La Candelaria (Candlemas) on February 2nd... Mexicans just love weird ass excuses to throw parties.
(you could stop here, if your liver demands it and youre close to dying of Cirrhosis or if youre a savage you could celebrate ol' Lupe's real name: Guadalupe Reyes Candelaria)
February 2nd. Dia de La Candelaria. People drink hot chocolate, canela spiked with tequila (piquete), and eat a shitload of Tamales. Morning is for church and religious processions in honor of la Virgen de la Candelaria and the nighttime is for music, dancing, partying, fireworks and excessive drinking.
The goal of this Marathon is to drink every day. From Dec 12 to Jan 6th, or Feb 2nd if your liver and kidneys dont fail on you. No this doesnt involve running or exercize, you can stop sweating now.
Enjoy! Good Luck!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Reunion at the Morgue
Francisco boarded a passenger bus on Sunday morning in Mexico City. He was to be reunited with his brother who he hadnt seen in 20 years.
His brother Rafael's family had recently contacted him and persuaded him to visit the family's home in Guaymas, Sonora, in the north. Francisco happily agreed and told his wife of the plan. She was happy as well and agreed to accompany her husband on the trip up north.
The bus ride was uneventful. But tragedy and death awaited the couple. In the state of Sinaloa, right over the Nayarit border, a tanker truck crossed the center divide and smashed head on into the passenger bus.
Francisco and his wife had no chance. They were seated in seats 3 and 4. The two, along with 30 other passengers perished that night in a horrifying accident between the cities of Mazatlan, Sinaloa and Acaponeta, Nayarit.
At the Guaymas Bus Station, Francisco and his sons awaited his brother and uncle's visit. The bus never arrived.
Francisco inquired at the desk and he was given the grim news: The bus had suffered an accident outside Mazatlan, Sinaloa. He was devastated.
Their family reunion would be at the Mazatlan morgue. He identified his brothers corpse, among the rows of bodies from the wreck. The man he hadnt seen in 2o years. The surprise he expected, turned into horrible tragedy.
Francisco Fajardo Barajas' dream of seeing his brother Rafael was left, shattered and destroyed, along with his life, on the side of a road in Sinaloa.
His brother Rafael's family had recently contacted him and persuaded him to visit the family's home in Guaymas, Sonora, in the north. Francisco happily agreed and told his wife of the plan. She was happy as well and agreed to accompany her husband on the trip up north.
The bus ride was uneventful. But tragedy and death awaited the couple. In the state of Sinaloa, right over the Nayarit border, a tanker truck crossed the center divide and smashed head on into the passenger bus.
Francisco and his wife had no chance. They were seated in seats 3 and 4. The two, along with 30 other passengers perished that night in a horrifying accident between the cities of Mazatlan, Sinaloa and Acaponeta, Nayarit.
At the Guaymas Bus Station, Francisco and his sons awaited his brother and uncle's visit. The bus never arrived.
Francisco inquired at the desk and he was given the grim news: The bus had suffered an accident outside Mazatlan, Sinaloa. He was devastated.
Their family reunion would be at the Mazatlan morgue. He identified his brothers corpse, among the rows of bodies from the wreck. The man he hadnt seen in 2o years. The surprise he expected, turned into horrible tragedy.
Francisco Fajardo Barajas' dream of seeing his brother Rafael was left, shattered and destroyed, along with his life, on the side of a road in Sinaloa.
Friday, November 5, 2010
My Life (if i was a Russian Thug)
"El Maco" And His Guns
In 1966, Jalisco state was shocked at a burst of violence in a remote corner of the state. What happened in hills surrounding the ranch of La Atrevida shocked many, such violence was unheard of.
Six Mexican Federal Judicial Police Officers were ambushed and killed in the woods. One by one, sniped by an armed farmer who refused a federal order from Guadalajara to turn in his assault rifle. One of those agents was the first husband of my cousins tia, who left behind a 1 year old daughter.
"El Maco" was a rugged mountain man. People were scared of him but he kept to himself. He owned a rifle, several handguns and a his beloved assault rifle which he used for hunting on occasions. This didnt sit well with authorities.
On January 30th , 1966, Five Policia Rural del Estado agents were sent from Guadalajara to the town of Guachinango to provide security for the Fiestas celebrated in honor of the Virgin of la Candelaria, her day being February 2nd. On that day they told El Maco to relinquish his guns, but he refused.
"Captain, If you want to disarm me, you better make sure im dead first" was El Maco's response.
Several miles down the road in La Atrevida, the Judicial Police officers went to arrest El Maco. El Maco already lay in wait, among the bushes and trees surrounding the ranch.
Witnesses say he lay hidden in a deep ravine and with his telescope he opened fire on the Judiciales once he had them in view. One by one he sniped them in the head with incredible aim. The rest of the Judiciales fired back and repelled the agression but all their bullets missed him.
Six Judiciales lay dead and El Maco fled.
Since its been so long since the ambush at La Atrevida happened, people made stuff up about the event and rumors abound.
The end of this story had a crazy but unlikely twist. El Maco was never arrested, but rather being the "brave" campesino that he was, he placed his rifle into a burlap bag and he went to the Judicial Police Headquarters in Guadalajara and turned himself in.
"I am El Maco, im the man who killed all those Judiciales in La Atrevida".
Rather than arrest him, the Federal Judicial Police force in Guadalajara offered him a job. A man with such balls and good aim, they needed him on their side.
The Official Version of events was as followed.
Seven Judicial Police Officers from Guadalajara but stationed in the village of Atenguillo, down the road from Guachinango, went to the town of San Martin Hidalgo, near Ameca to collect their pay. There they received the order to head to Guachinango to provide security for the annual fiesta.
The night of January 29th, 1966, they spent the night in Ameca and would head to Guachinango the next morning. A few miles before reaching the dirt road that led to the town off the main highway, right near La Atrevida ranch, they saw several men walking who were visibly armed.
The Judicial Police officers stopped their truck in order to question the men as to why they were armed and if they had permits for their weapons. One of the men fled into the woods and the other 3 men tried to run as well but were stopped by one of the Police Officers.
The men claimed they were hunters from Guadalajara spending a day in the country. They had no permits. They claimed the man who fled was a peasant farmer they had encountered on their journey and who had volunteered to guide them and show them where the good spots for hunting were, the man being an avid hunter and excellent marksman himself.
The other Judiciales went in pursuit of the man and were met with gunfire. El Maco, hiding in small ravine and protected by shruberry, picked off the Agents one by one with his powerful rifle and his incredible aim.
Five agents were killed on the spot. The Comandante of the Judiciales, Sgt. Jose Magana was badly wounded but managed to flag down a passing motorist whom he ordered to take him to the hospital in Guadalajara. He died later that night while undergoing surgery. The sole survivor was Agent Limon whom had stayed behind with the three men in custody.
El Maco turned himself in to the Judicial Police Headquarters in Guadalajara, and his fate after that was unknown.
Six Mexican Federal Judicial Police Officers were ambushed and killed in the woods. One by one, sniped by an armed farmer who refused a federal order from Guadalajara to turn in his assault rifle. One of those agents was the first husband of my cousins tia, who left behind a 1 year old daughter.
"El Maco" was a rugged mountain man. People were scared of him but he kept to himself. He owned a rifle, several handguns and a his beloved assault rifle which he used for hunting on occasions. This didnt sit well with authorities.
On January 30th , 1966, Five Policia Rural del Estado agents were sent from Guadalajara to the town of Guachinango to provide security for the Fiestas celebrated in honor of the Virgin of la Candelaria, her day being February 2nd. On that day they told El Maco to relinquish his guns, but he refused.
"Captain, If you want to disarm me, you better make sure im dead first" was El Maco's response.
Several miles down the road in La Atrevida, the Judicial Police officers went to arrest El Maco. El Maco already lay in wait, among the bushes and trees surrounding the ranch.
Witnesses say he lay hidden in a deep ravine and with his telescope he opened fire on the Judiciales once he had them in view. One by one he sniped them in the head with incredible aim. The rest of the Judiciales fired back and repelled the agression but all their bullets missed him.
Six Judiciales lay dead and El Maco fled.
Since its been so long since the ambush at La Atrevida happened, people made stuff up about the event and rumors abound.
The end of this story had a crazy but unlikely twist. El Maco was never arrested, but rather being the "brave" campesino that he was, he placed his rifle into a burlap bag and he went to the Judicial Police Headquarters in Guadalajara and turned himself in.
"I am El Maco, im the man who killed all those Judiciales in La Atrevida".
Rather than arrest him, the Federal Judicial Police force in Guadalajara offered him a job. A man with such balls and good aim, they needed him on their side.
The Official Version of events was as followed.
Seven Judicial Police Officers from Guadalajara but stationed in the village of Atenguillo, down the road from Guachinango, went to the town of San Martin Hidalgo, near Ameca to collect their pay. There they received the order to head to Guachinango to provide security for the annual fiesta.
The night of January 29th, 1966, they spent the night in Ameca and would head to Guachinango the next morning. A few miles before reaching the dirt road that led to the town off the main highway, right near La Atrevida ranch, they saw several men walking who were visibly armed.
The Judicial Police officers stopped their truck in order to question the men as to why they were armed and if they had permits for their weapons. One of the men fled into the woods and the other 3 men tried to run as well but were stopped by one of the Police Officers.
The men claimed they were hunters from Guadalajara spending a day in the country. They had no permits. They claimed the man who fled was a peasant farmer they had encountered on their journey and who had volunteered to guide them and show them where the good spots for hunting were, the man being an avid hunter and excellent marksman himself.
The other Judiciales went in pursuit of the man and were met with gunfire. El Maco, hiding in small ravine and protected by shruberry, picked off the Agents one by one with his powerful rifle and his incredible aim.
Five agents were killed on the spot. The Comandante of the Judiciales, Sgt. Jose Magana was badly wounded but managed to flag down a passing motorist whom he ordered to take him to the hospital in Guadalajara. He died later that night while undergoing surgery. The sole survivor was Agent Limon whom had stayed behind with the three men in custody.
El Maco turned himself in to the Judicial Police Headquarters in Guadalajara, and his fate after that was unknown.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
My Dad and Candelario Ramos
One very first time my mother met my fathers family back during Christmastime 1983, she was embarrased beyond belief one particular night.
You see, my dad's brother, my tio Angel, had a black Trans Am. He also liked to drink a lot. So he was a typical 80's dude, drinking and driving his Trans Am really fast up and down Calle Constitucion which was Ameca's main street.
Pretty soon an Ameca municipal police truck tried to pull him over. Tio Angel decided he really didnt want to go to jail so he stepped on it. So he drove up and down Constitucion and by the house all the time the Police truck was behind him.
He finally pulled over and the cops arrested his drunk ass.
My father was also drunk. Upon hearing his brother was arrested he thought he was gonna go kick the asses of every single municipal cop at La Presidencia (Town Hall). Angry and running on beer and machismo he goes up to La Presidencia and to the jail where he is met by Ameca's police chief, Comandante Candelario Ramos.
"Hijo de tu chingada madre, quitate o te quito cabron! Deja salir a mi hermano" my dad, in a drunken angry slur yells at Comandante Ramos.
Ramos tells my dad to calm down but that his brother needs to sleep it off in the drunk tank. My dad is advised to calm down as well or he will be thrown in jail as well. My dad continues to be beligerent so he is arrested.
My dad was lucky. Unknown to him Comandante Candelario Ramos is a bad ass. He was an ex pistolero and hitman. He had a reputation for beating the shit out of people when he worked as a bodyguard for Jalisco state governor and Ameca native Flavio Romero de Velasco. Soon he became an agent for Mexico's Directorate of Federal Security, a shady organization with ties to organized crime. He was then made Comandante of Ameca.
On this night, Comandante Ramos is polite and understanding. He tells my dad to take off his jewelry but my dad snaps back "take it off me, you asshole".
"Fine keep your jewelry" says Ramos.
My mother when she finds out hes in jail, is now crying and embarrased. My dad is by this time asleep on a bench in the cell.
Comandante Ramos politely explains to her that he will be released in the morning. My mom asks if she can deliver him orange juice she bought him at the market, Ramos says yes.
By morning my dad my tio Angel are let free. They dont get their asses beat by Ramos and his men for being drunk assholes who talk too much shit, by some miracle.
2 years later Comandante Ramos is accused of participating the the kidnapping and murder of Agent Enrique Camarena of the DEA in Guadalajara.
Famous Sinaloa drug kingpin Ernesto Fonseca Carrillo, a mastermind of Camarena's murder is found to be hiding in Ramos' luxury villa in Puerto Vallarta on April 9, 1985. Comandante Ramos is imprisoned with his friend, marijuana kingpin Rafael Caro Quintero but Ramos is free on lack of evidence in the crime.
On July 13, 1989, Comandante Ramos is driving his truck to Guadalajara when he is rear ended by a truck. He pulls over to inspect the damage and a young man descends the truck.
The young man pulls out a .9 millimeter handgun and shoots Ramos twice in the face and drives off. He was Jose de Jesus Uribe, the son of a man Ramos had killed 20 years previous when he was a hitman for the well known Zuno Arce family of Jalisco.
His shady past had finally caught up with him. Comandante Candelario Ramos, famous pistolero and Comandante of the Federal Judicial Police, friend of drug kingpins and Army Generals, died shot twice in the face on the side of a lonely road in Tequila, Jalisco.
His AR 15 was in the backseat. He never had time to use it.
You see, my dad's brother, my tio Angel, had a black Trans Am. He also liked to drink a lot. So he was a typical 80's dude, drinking and driving his Trans Am really fast up and down Calle Constitucion which was Ameca's main street.
Pretty soon an Ameca municipal police truck tried to pull him over. Tio Angel decided he really didnt want to go to jail so he stepped on it. So he drove up and down Constitucion and by the house all the time the Police truck was behind him.
He finally pulled over and the cops arrested his drunk ass.
My father was also drunk. Upon hearing his brother was arrested he thought he was gonna go kick the asses of every single municipal cop at La Presidencia (Town Hall). Angry and running on beer and machismo he goes up to La Presidencia and to the jail where he is met by Ameca's police chief, Comandante Candelario Ramos.
"Hijo de tu chingada madre, quitate o te quito cabron! Deja salir a mi hermano" my dad, in a drunken angry slur yells at Comandante Ramos.
Ramos tells my dad to calm down but that his brother needs to sleep it off in the drunk tank. My dad is advised to calm down as well or he will be thrown in jail as well. My dad continues to be beligerent so he is arrested.
My dad was lucky. Unknown to him Comandante Candelario Ramos is a bad ass. He was an ex pistolero and hitman. He had a reputation for beating the shit out of people when he worked as a bodyguard for Jalisco state governor and Ameca native Flavio Romero de Velasco. Soon he became an agent for Mexico's Directorate of Federal Security, a shady organization with ties to organized crime. He was then made Comandante of Ameca.
On this night, Comandante Ramos is polite and understanding. He tells my dad to take off his jewelry but my dad snaps back "take it off me, you asshole".
"Fine keep your jewelry" says Ramos.
My mother when she finds out hes in jail, is now crying and embarrased. My dad is by this time asleep on a bench in the cell.
Comandante Ramos politely explains to her that he will be released in the morning. My mom asks if she can deliver him orange juice she bought him at the market, Ramos says yes.
By morning my dad my tio Angel are let free. They dont get their asses beat by Ramos and his men for being drunk assholes who talk too much shit, by some miracle.
2 years later Comandante Ramos is accused of participating the the kidnapping and murder of Agent Enrique Camarena of the DEA in Guadalajara.
Famous Sinaloa drug kingpin Ernesto Fonseca Carrillo, a mastermind of Camarena's murder is found to be hiding in Ramos' luxury villa in Puerto Vallarta on April 9, 1985. Comandante Ramos is imprisoned with his friend, marijuana kingpin Rafael Caro Quintero but Ramos is free on lack of evidence in the crime.
On July 13, 1989, Comandante Ramos is driving his truck to Guadalajara when he is rear ended by a truck. He pulls over to inspect the damage and a young man descends the truck.
The young man pulls out a .9 millimeter handgun and shoots Ramos twice in the face and drives off. He was Jose de Jesus Uribe, the son of a man Ramos had killed 20 years previous when he was a hitman for the well known Zuno Arce family of Jalisco.
His shady past had finally caught up with him. Comandante Candelario Ramos, famous pistolero and Comandante of the Federal Judicial Police, friend of drug kingpins and Army Generals, died shot twice in the face on the side of a lonely road in Tequila, Jalisco.
His AR 15 was in the backseat. He never had time to use it.
Nightmare on Good Friday
Friday April 4th, 1980.
Agua Azul Train Station- Guadalajara
Crowds of people are waiting to board a train. They wait impatiently to board the "Vacacionista" train that would take them to the Port of Manzanillo, Colima and to its pristine white sand beaches.
Among those people is my mother, her 2 cousins and my two brothers, 14 and 13 years old at the time.
The topic of conversation among some of the people waiting to board the Ferrocarriles Nacionales de Mexico train Number 3870 is that Roman Catholic fanatics in the rural heartland of Jalisco state have protested the running of trains through their villages on Semana Santa, Holy Week.
They believe Holy Week is for people to attend church and remember the passion of our Lord Jesus Christ before he was crucified. Its no time to spend at the beach, frolicking, and getting drunk. Thats tantamount to blasphemy.
Articles of the protestors threats have appeared in Guadalajara newspapers, but they are in the back pages, Tapatio society pays no attention to the die-hard old school Catholics who live in the country.
The passengers board the train finally. Its past 5pm on April 4th, 1980. Good Friday. By morning they will have arrived at Manzanillo for some fun in the sun.
My mom and brothers and her cousins take their seats, the kids sitting by the windows. They joke and drink from some bottles they have brought on the trip. The cars are full of people and some kids sit on the floor. The train seems overcrowded.
The train chugs out of Agua Azul station and heads south. Past Chapala and its environs, Villa Corona , Zacoalco, Sayula, Zapotiltic and Tuxpan, 35 stations await them before reaching Manzanillo.
Nearing the town of Atenquique in southeastern Jalisco, the train enters a long tunnel, exits and enters a even longer one.
What the engineer sees when exiting the last tunnel horrifies him.
The bridge ahead is burning. Half of the wooden trestle has already collapsed and the rest will not support the weight of the two locomotives and the rest of the passenger cars full of men women and children.
In a split second and with no regard to his own safety he manages to uncouple the passenger cars behind me and applies the emergency brakes hard.
The engineer along with his two locomotives and his crewmen, along with 12 stowaways fly off the burning trestle and into a 300 foot ravine, the engines tumbling on the rocky ledges and exploding into a fireball in the shrubery below. No one survives the plunge. 15 bodies lay in the twisted wreckage.
As the engines plunge, the sudden application of the brakes cause the passenger trains to screech and jerk to a stop. The sudden stop makes 5 of the passenger cars to jump the rails inside the tunnel and overturn, tossing horrified passengers about like rag dolls inside the metallic coffins on wheels.
My mom is thrown to the floor of the car, which ends up tilting on one of its side, leaning on the wall of the tunnel. She cant find my brothers in the darkness, the lights have gone out but she can see orange glows outside the broken windows: Flames.
Spilled diesel and brake fuel has ignited, starting fires and filling the tunnel with smoke. Frantic and screaming passengers jump out the windows and run out of the tunnel to where they still see a bit of light. My mom manages to find my brothers, one of whom, Miguel, has grabbed a random suitcase in the chaos and has foolishly carried with him the whole way out. She meets up with her cousin who is carrying her other cousin, who has fainted. She has a heart condition and the crash caused her to pass out. She is uninjured.
My mom, who lost her shoes in the crash, now realizes her feet are burned and they are all covered in soot. As they exit the tunnel they see villagers from Atenquique have driven or climbed up the hill. The crash was heard all the way to the town.
In a few minutes, the Mexican Army arrives to survey the scene and help in the rescue effort. Ambulances from Ciudad Guzman and Atenquique arrive to transport the injured to local clinics. Those severely injured will have to be flown back to hospitals in Guadalajara, Puerto Vallarta or Manzanillo. The Army cordons off the area to prevent looting.
My brother Miguel finally looks thru the suitcase he picked out in the darkness. It happens to be their own, and the one with their money.
My mother burned feet and all, along with her cousins and sons, decide that no train derailment and deadly sabotaging of the rails will stop them from going on vacation. They reach Atenquique and hop on a bus to Ciudad Guzman then hop on another that finally takes them to Manzanillo.
The brave engineer was credited with saving many lives that night by uncoupling the train. Had he not, the entire passenger train would of plunged into the ravine and the death toll would probably be in the hundreds.
The persons responsible for the sabotaging of the rails were never caught and the accident was soon forgotten.
Agua Azul Train Station- Guadalajara
Crowds of people are waiting to board a train. They wait impatiently to board the "Vacacionista" train that would take them to the Port of Manzanillo, Colima and to its pristine white sand beaches.
Among those people is my mother, her 2 cousins and my two brothers, 14 and 13 years old at the time.
The topic of conversation among some of the people waiting to board the Ferrocarriles Nacionales de Mexico train Number 3870 is that Roman Catholic fanatics in the rural heartland of Jalisco state have protested the running of trains through their villages on Semana Santa, Holy Week.
They believe Holy Week is for people to attend church and remember the passion of our Lord Jesus Christ before he was crucified. Its no time to spend at the beach, frolicking, and getting drunk. Thats tantamount to blasphemy.
Articles of the protestors threats have appeared in Guadalajara newspapers, but they are in the back pages, Tapatio society pays no attention to the die-hard old school Catholics who live in the country.
The passengers board the train finally. Its past 5pm on April 4th, 1980. Good Friday. By morning they will have arrived at Manzanillo for some fun in the sun.
My mom and brothers and her cousins take their seats, the kids sitting by the windows. They joke and drink from some bottles they have brought on the trip. The cars are full of people and some kids sit on the floor. The train seems overcrowded.
The train chugs out of Agua Azul station and heads south. Past Chapala and its environs, Villa Corona , Zacoalco, Sayula, Zapotiltic and Tuxpan, 35 stations await them before reaching Manzanillo.
Nearing the town of Atenquique in southeastern Jalisco, the train enters a long tunnel, exits and enters a even longer one.
What the engineer sees when exiting the last tunnel horrifies him.
The bridge ahead is burning. Half of the wooden trestle has already collapsed and the rest will not support the weight of the two locomotives and the rest of the passenger cars full of men women and children.
In a split second and with no regard to his own safety he manages to uncouple the passenger cars behind me and applies the emergency brakes hard.
The engineer along with his two locomotives and his crewmen, along with 12 stowaways fly off the burning trestle and into a 300 foot ravine, the engines tumbling on the rocky ledges and exploding into a fireball in the shrubery below. No one survives the plunge. 15 bodies lay in the twisted wreckage.
As the engines plunge, the sudden application of the brakes cause the passenger trains to screech and jerk to a stop. The sudden stop makes 5 of the passenger cars to jump the rails inside the tunnel and overturn, tossing horrified passengers about like rag dolls inside the metallic coffins on wheels.
My mom is thrown to the floor of the car, which ends up tilting on one of its side, leaning on the wall of the tunnel. She cant find my brothers in the darkness, the lights have gone out but she can see orange glows outside the broken windows: Flames.
Spilled diesel and brake fuel has ignited, starting fires and filling the tunnel with smoke. Frantic and screaming passengers jump out the windows and run out of the tunnel to where they still see a bit of light. My mom manages to find my brothers, one of whom, Miguel, has grabbed a random suitcase in the chaos and has foolishly carried with him the whole way out. She meets up with her cousin who is carrying her other cousin, who has fainted. She has a heart condition and the crash caused her to pass out. She is uninjured.
My mom, who lost her shoes in the crash, now realizes her feet are burned and they are all covered in soot. As they exit the tunnel they see villagers from Atenquique have driven or climbed up the hill. The crash was heard all the way to the town.
In a few minutes, the Mexican Army arrives to survey the scene and help in the rescue effort. Ambulances from Ciudad Guzman and Atenquique arrive to transport the injured to local clinics. Those severely injured will have to be flown back to hospitals in Guadalajara, Puerto Vallarta or Manzanillo. The Army cordons off the area to prevent looting.
My brother Miguel finally looks thru the suitcase he picked out in the darkness. It happens to be their own, and the one with their money.
My mother burned feet and all, along with her cousins and sons, decide that no train derailment and deadly sabotaging of the rails will stop them from going on vacation. They reach Atenquique and hop on a bus to Ciudad Guzman then hop on another that finally takes them to Manzanillo.
The brave engineer was credited with saving many lives that night by uncoupling the train. Had he not, the entire passenger train would of plunged into the ravine and the death toll would probably be in the hundreds.
The persons responsible for the sabotaging of the rails were never caught and the accident was soon forgotten.
The Great G Money (The Great Gatsby for Gangstas)
1922, West Egg, Long Island, New York
Aite check it, dis cat named Nick went to his neighbor's house. Aint nobody know who he was jus that they called him G Money. Supposedly he was a big time hustla drug dealer or somethin but tonite he was havin a fat party wit hella bops and drank.
Hella heads came thru but nobody knew G Money. It was cool cuz G Money knew them. He was jus chillin drinkin sum Henny and lookin across da bay. He knew his ex baby mama named Daisy lived across da bay. Nick happened to be Daisy's cuz. She aint cum thru tho cuz he new man was a busta ass mayne nigga named Tom who would slap her and be a dick. G Money was sippin his drank but he was sad inside.
So one time Nick and Tom was chillin n shit . They all kicked it in the city and shit and had fun till Tom had sum of that Four Loko and got hyphy and slapped Myrtle his girl on da side. She was married to sum dude who sold nice ass Rims by da road. He broke her nose. Tom was a busta ass nigga who nobody liked.
One time, Daisy and G Money was talkin and he told her he loved her and shit. They had a moment and he reminded her "whats good". All this time Nick was wondering, dam these sum mayne ass people. This one bitch named Jordan who played golf was a bop and was on Nicks nuts but he wasnt havin it, he was coo off bops. She did have a booty tho so he decided to hit it anyways.
So Tom's grimey ass finds out G Money loves Daisy and argues with him. He tells everyone there G Money aint nothing but a thug wit no money and he could never have Daisy again. Daisy and G Money drive off and she done hits a woman. It was Myrtle, Tom's lover, the rim dude's wife. Rim Dude seen the car and he lost it. He got his gat and went after da car.
He found out it was G Moneys pimp ass Bentley. So he went to G Moneys phat ass house and saw G Money chillin in da pool, wit his stunna shades, asleep on a floaty thing and soaking up da sun. Dude shot G Money and killed his ass dead and killed himself.
Daisy and Tom stayed together. Even tho G Money knew hella ppl and hella heads came thru to his party n shit, aint nobody came to his funeral. He had no family or friends.
Only Nick, his down ass nigga was there.
Days later he runs into Daisy and Tom. Nick finds out that it was Tom's triflin' ass who dropped the dime on G Money to the Rim Dude, so he could find him and kill him.
Shaking his damn head, Nick says "Fuck this shit" and he goes back home to the midwest where people aint shady. Fuck Long Island.
Aite check it, dis cat named Nick went to his neighbor's house. Aint nobody know who he was jus that they called him G Money. Supposedly he was a big time hustla drug dealer or somethin but tonite he was havin a fat party wit hella bops and drank.
Hella heads came thru but nobody knew G Money. It was cool cuz G Money knew them. He was jus chillin drinkin sum Henny and lookin across da bay. He knew his ex baby mama named Daisy lived across da bay. Nick happened to be Daisy's cuz. She aint cum thru tho cuz he new man was a busta ass mayne nigga named Tom who would slap her and be a dick. G Money was sippin his drank but he was sad inside.
So one time Nick and Tom was chillin n shit . They all kicked it in the city and shit and had fun till Tom had sum of that Four Loko and got hyphy and slapped Myrtle his girl on da side. She was married to sum dude who sold nice ass Rims by da road. He broke her nose. Tom was a busta ass nigga who nobody liked.
One time, Daisy and G Money was talkin and he told her he loved her and shit. They had a moment and he reminded her "whats good". All this time Nick was wondering, dam these sum mayne ass people. This one bitch named Jordan who played golf was a bop and was on Nicks nuts but he wasnt havin it, he was coo off bops. She did have a booty tho so he decided to hit it anyways.
So Tom's grimey ass finds out G Money loves Daisy and argues with him. He tells everyone there G Money aint nothing but a thug wit no money and he could never have Daisy again. Daisy and G Money drive off and she done hits a woman. It was Myrtle, Tom's lover, the rim dude's wife. Rim Dude seen the car and he lost it. He got his gat and went after da car.
He found out it was G Moneys pimp ass Bentley. So he went to G Moneys phat ass house and saw G Money chillin in da pool, wit his stunna shades, asleep on a floaty thing and soaking up da sun. Dude shot G Money and killed his ass dead and killed himself.
Daisy and Tom stayed together. Even tho G Money knew hella ppl and hella heads came thru to his party n shit, aint nobody came to his funeral. He had no family or friends.
Only Nick, his down ass nigga was there.
Days later he runs into Daisy and Tom. Nick finds out that it was Tom's triflin' ass who dropped the dime on G Money to the Rim Dude, so he could find him and kill him.
Shaking his damn head, Nick says "Fuck this shit" and he goes back home to the midwest where people aint shady. Fuck Long Island.
A West Side Pittsburg Christmas Tale
It was cold and windy in da west. Out by da Baileys, a baby was soon to be born. A baby that would lead da gangstas and baby mamas out of the West and into the big city: Pittsburg.
This one couple right, didnt pay they rent one day so they got kicked out they apartment so they wandered the West for a while.
A down ass nortena was pregnant and riding wit Jose her BD in his Buick Scraper. They looked up and down da Willow lookin for a hotel to have da baby in (cuz aint no hospital in da west only Sutter Delta in da Yoc and thats hella far).
It was Dec 24th but they had no luck. Aint nobody let them in they house so that Mari da nortena and Big Joe could have their baby, the savior of the mayne ass niggas from WSP.
Finally in the parking lot of Mi Pueblo they had the baby. All da dogs and cats in the hood came thru to check out da lil baby.
Three wise men looked up in da sky and saw da police copter with its bright ass light. They hopped in they Caddys and Buicks and followed the light.
They drove and drove up Pacifica and Willow Pass, Evora and Hwy 4, got off on Harbor then somehow ended up back on Railroad.
Niggas got lost so they didnt arrive until January 8th, not the 6th like some say.To top it off they got arrested by da Boys da Co Co Sheriffs cuz the wise men were driving too damn fast. The wise men was buzzed and faded so they spent 2 weeks driving looking for da baby.
They found Mari and Big Joe her baby daddy and their baby who they named Chuy, short for Jesus, named after the BD's dad.
"We are the three wise men who come from da west"
"Thats chedd" said Big Joe.
"Fa sho, cum thru" said Mari, exhausted and hungry for some Ben's.
"we bring gifts of 40's, Eighths of Purp and Baby Jordans for the messiah" said the three wise men named Snoopy, Loc, and Tone.
All of P World, from da 'Lo to Big Bully to the niggas from da West, rejoiced at this miracle. Even some fools from North Concord came thru.
They all smoked blunts and drank Mickeys in celebration of the birth of their ghetto savior, their shiny grills lighting up the darkness and their dreads shaking with delight.
The one who one day would lead them out the ghetto and into paradise: West Oakland.
This one couple right, didnt pay they rent one day so they got kicked out they apartment so they wandered the West for a while.
A down ass nortena was pregnant and riding wit Jose her BD in his Buick Scraper. They looked up and down da Willow lookin for a hotel to have da baby in (cuz aint no hospital in da west only Sutter Delta in da Yoc and thats hella far).
It was Dec 24th but they had no luck. Aint nobody let them in they house so that Mari da nortena and Big Joe could have their baby, the savior of the mayne ass niggas from WSP.
Finally in the parking lot of Mi Pueblo they had the baby. All da dogs and cats in the hood came thru to check out da lil baby.
Three wise men looked up in da sky and saw da police copter with its bright ass light. They hopped in they Caddys and Buicks and followed the light.
They drove and drove up Pacifica and Willow Pass, Evora and Hwy 4, got off on Harbor then somehow ended up back on Railroad.
Niggas got lost so they didnt arrive until January 8th, not the 6th like some say.To top it off they got arrested by da Boys da Co Co Sheriffs cuz the wise men were driving too damn fast. The wise men was buzzed and faded so they spent 2 weeks driving looking for da baby.
They found Mari and Big Joe her baby daddy and their baby who they named Chuy, short for Jesus, named after the BD's dad.
"We are the three wise men who come from da west"
"Thats chedd" said Big Joe.
"Fa sho, cum thru" said Mari, exhausted and hungry for some Ben's.
"we bring gifts of 40's, Eighths of Purp and Baby Jordans for the messiah" said the three wise men named Snoopy, Loc, and Tone.
All of P World, from da 'Lo to Big Bully to the niggas from da West, rejoiced at this miracle. Even some fools from North Concord came thru.
They all smoked blunts and drank Mickeys in celebration of the birth of their ghetto savior, their shiny grills lighting up the darkness and their dreads shaking with delight.
The one who one day would lead them out the ghetto and into paradise: West Oakland.
Friday, October 29, 2010
No Legacy
Thursday, April 22, 2010
no legacy
its terrible to realize a persons worst fears.
that u never made an impact. on that person you care about the most. youre just a stranger to them. they dont find you worthy of keeping as a friend.
all the good memories go lost in the path of time
all sweet words and moments shared destroyed and lost to posterity.
the good things, sweet nothings that matter most, lost and forgotten in the mind of the weak.
your legacy nonexistant. the love forgotten. something so beautiful that for some reason, it fell into the crack of time.
never to be seen again.
no legacy
its terrible to realize a persons worst fears.
that u never made an impact. on that person you care about the most. youre just a stranger to them. they dont find you worthy of keeping as a friend.
all the good memories go lost in the path of time
all sweet words and moments shared destroyed and lost to posterity.
the good things, sweet nothings that matter most, lost and forgotten in the mind of the weak.
your legacy nonexistant. the love forgotten. something so beautiful that for some reason, it fell into the crack of time.
never to be seen again.
Its the Neverending Story
Its Just The Neverending Story...
Its the same all the time.
Lamentations and Complaints of love that never arrives.
Love that HAS arrived but one has foolishly discarded, ignored and neglected.
One might have what one desires right in front of them, yet they turn a blind eye to it.
Women always want the good guy, yet stupidly ignore him when he does arrive, settling for the mediocre man with no future and with a lot of past.
Men want the good woman yet settle for dozens of loose ones that lack proper education, morals and intellect.
Always wanting, never having. Always dreaming, never seeing. Always questioning, never thinking.
Girls who know they can be treated like princesses and never lack love or stability yet they settle for the next grimy nigga to stroll down the block..
Dudes who want a wifey but want to treat her like a whore and disrespect her like a cheap common harlot.
Immaturity and Ignorance triumphs.
The mind is ignored while the heart is foolishly acknowledged and led into mistake after emotional mistake..
Its the Neverending Story.
Its the same all the time.
Lamentations and Complaints of love that never arrives.
Love that HAS arrived but one has foolishly discarded, ignored and neglected.
One might have what one desires right in front of them, yet they turn a blind eye to it.
Women always want the good guy, yet stupidly ignore him when he does arrive, settling for the mediocre man with no future and with a lot of past.
Men want the good woman yet settle for dozens of loose ones that lack proper education, morals and intellect.
Always wanting, never having. Always dreaming, never seeing. Always questioning, never thinking.
Girls who know they can be treated like princesses and never lack love or stability yet they settle for the next grimy nigga to stroll down the block..
Dudes who want a wifey but want to treat her like a whore and disrespect her like a cheap common harlot.
Immaturity and Ignorance triumphs.
The mind is ignored while the heart is foolishly acknowledged and led into mistake after emotional mistake..
Its the Neverending Story.
To Whom It May Concern Part II
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
To whom it may concern.
Throughout my life I've acted stupidly. Ive hurt those who only loved me. Ive betrayed them even.
Blame it on the ignorance of childhood or adolescence its no excuse for my actions. Actions that led to tears and heartbreak and pain.
The actions that still haunt me to this very day even tho the past should be the past. Cant help but feel remorse for the pain ive cause and the tears shed because of my stupid actions.
If these words were to be read by those I've hurt in the past I would want them to know that those acts of stupidity and ignorance did not go unnoticed by an unremorseful me. Every day I regret certain things I've done and only wish to make things better.
Seeing how that may be impossible, only know that those bad deeds helped build a more mature person, a smarter individual and those sad episodes make me want to be a better person today.
But to those that loved me and I hurt, I say Im sorry with all my heart and soul. But I also say thank you. For the experiences served as a wake up call to let go of the person that really wasnt me. It helped me discover who I really am deep down and what I really wanted.
Even if it meant losing what beautiful things I had.
EC 02-16-10
To whom it may concern.
Throughout my life I've acted stupidly. Ive hurt those who only loved me. Ive betrayed them even.
Blame it on the ignorance of childhood or adolescence its no excuse for my actions. Actions that led to tears and heartbreak and pain.
The actions that still haunt me to this very day even tho the past should be the past. Cant help but feel remorse for the pain ive cause and the tears shed because of my stupid actions.
If these words were to be read by those I've hurt in the past I would want them to know that those acts of stupidity and ignorance did not go unnoticed by an unremorseful me. Every day I regret certain things I've done and only wish to make things better.
Seeing how that may be impossible, only know that those bad deeds helped build a more mature person, a smarter individual and those sad episodes make me want to be a better person today.
But to those that loved me and I hurt, I say Im sorry with all my heart and soul. But I also say thank you. For the experiences served as a wake up call to let go of the person that really wasnt me. It helped me discover who I really am deep down and what I really wanted.
Even if it meant losing what beautiful things I had.
EC 02-16-10
The Toy
Sunday, December 13, 2009
I had a toy
an expensive toy
a valued toy
a treasured toy
a toy i wanted
a toy i asked for
a toy i got.
for the longest time i had it
played with it.
used it.forgot it. then the toy just sat there.
pretty soon, as fate would have it, i lost the toy.
gone was the toy.gone, i dont know where.perhaps found by someone else.who would treat his toys with care.
but what i didnt know.and i know now.s that it was no toy.It was a gift. a precious gift.
that had to be cherished, conserved and valued.
stupid me, lost the gift.and now, as the gift is lost. gone God knows where...i want the gift back...
not a toy...but a gift.
that i lost.
never to see again
I had a toy
an expensive toy
a valued toy
a treasured toy
a toy i wanted
a toy i asked for
a toy i got.
for the longest time i had it
played with it.
used it.forgot it. then the toy just sat there.
pretty soon, as fate would have it, i lost the toy.
gone was the toy.gone, i dont know where.perhaps found by someone else.who would treat his toys with care.
but what i didnt know.and i know now.s that it was no toy.It was a gift. a precious gift.
that had to be cherished, conserved and valued.
stupid me, lost the gift.and now, as the gift is lost. gone God knows where...i want the gift back...
not a toy...but a gift.
that i lost.
never to see again
My Very Own Personal Disaster
Monday, October 05, 2009
My Very Own Personal Disaster
In a time, when I thought everything was lost.
In a time where I thought nothing was worth it.
You Came Into My Life Unexpectedly
One Thing Led to Another
Chats Became Conversations
Words Became Feelings
Pretty Soon, As Fast As a Lightning Strike
I fell for You
Fell For Your Words.
But something wasnt right
The signs were there
And I knew what they were.
But the heart is stubborn
and It wants what it wants.
But the gut instinct was still there...
Silently screaming to me...
to not proceed
Warning me silently
Not to proceed
But he who doesnt risk...
doesnt win.
I could not live my life scared any longer
I had to see
What Future Awaited us
You told me you felt me
You told me i was different
You told me I was worth it
You told me I was the marrying type
That You Would be A fool to push Me Away
That you were happy and cherished me
You were used to me
And you loved it
I was your drug.
You said you would wait for me
And saw me in your life for a long long while
This time it was different.
Nothing would stop us
Nobody would break us
It was time.
And I, a foolish hopeless romantic
I fell
Thinking you would catch me
Then One fine morning
It was over
Just as my instinct had told me
The warnings were there
They had told me
"Do not proceed, or risk injuring your heart once more"
Once is too many times
For the heart to suffer
But I had to see what future awaited us
No future awaited us.
It was a emotional catastrophe.
Now, we're not even friends
Foolish Heart
Look what you did
Our hope and desire is now our big folly.
Words, that the wind blew away.
Feelings that quickly faded, or that were never there to begin with
.Your heart belonged to another man.
And meeting you.
Falling for you.
And believing you.
Was My Very Own Personal Disaster
My Very Own Personal Disaster
In a time, when I thought everything was lost.
In a time where I thought nothing was worth it.
You Came Into My Life Unexpectedly
One Thing Led to Another
Chats Became Conversations
Words Became Feelings
Pretty Soon, As Fast As a Lightning Strike
I fell for You
Fell For Your Words.
But something wasnt right
The signs were there
And I knew what they were.
But the heart is stubborn
and It wants what it wants.
But the gut instinct was still there...
Silently screaming to me...
to not proceed
Warning me silently
Not to proceed
But he who doesnt risk...
doesnt win.
I could not live my life scared any longer
I had to see
What Future Awaited us
You told me you felt me
You told me i was different
You told me I was worth it
You told me I was the marrying type
That You Would be A fool to push Me Away
That you were happy and cherished me
You were used to me
And you loved it
I was your drug.
You said you would wait for me
And saw me in your life for a long long while
This time it was different.
Nothing would stop us
Nobody would break us
It was time.
And I, a foolish hopeless romantic
I fell
Thinking you would catch me
Then One fine morning
It was over
Just as my instinct had told me
The warnings were there
They had told me
"Do not proceed, or risk injuring your heart once more"
Once is too many times
For the heart to suffer
But I had to see what future awaited us
No future awaited us.
It was a emotional catastrophe.
Now, we're not even friends
Foolish Heart
Look what you did
Our hope and desire is now our big folly.
Words, that the wind blew away.
Feelings that quickly faded, or that were never there to begin with
.Your heart belonged to another man.
And meeting you.
Falling for you.
And believing you.
Was My Very Own Personal Disaster
The Same Rocks
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
The same rocks/ la misma piedra
There is a path
That we walk throughout our life
Full of obstacles
Full of surprises
Full of emotions
Full of things that frighten us
Full of things that please us
Full of things that amaze us
In this path
that we walk
called life
sometimes there are rocks
little ones
big ones
boulder sized ones
pebble sized ones
Sometimes we trip over them
and we fall
hoping to get caught
but we land
right on our face
over a rock
we get up
we dust off
shake it off
say "i meant to do that"
embarrassed get up
keep on walking
on that rocky path
called life
we must learn
not to trip
and fall
and hurt ourselves
over these rocks
sometimes these rocks are visible
sometimes not
nevertheless, learn to not trip...over the rocks
but more often than not
we make full circle
and come upon the rocks
once more
and once again
innocent mindedly
we trip and fall
and get hurt.
time to not walk in circles
as to not trip and fall
and stumble and plunge
to the hard hard ground
where no one will catch us
just because we chose
to trip over the same rocks
over and over again...
time to keep moving forward
avoiding the rocks
skimming the stones
going around, walking on top
over the rocks that trip us and hurt us
the end.
ECP = 10-21-2009
The same rocks/ la misma piedra
There is a path
That we walk throughout our life
Full of obstacles
Full of surprises
Full of emotions
Full of things that frighten us
Full of things that please us
Full of things that amaze us
In this path
that we walk
called life
sometimes there are rocks
little ones
big ones
boulder sized ones
pebble sized ones
Sometimes we trip over them
and we fall
hoping to get caught
but we land
right on our face
over a rock
we get up
we dust off
shake it off
say "i meant to do that"
embarrassed get up
keep on walking
on that rocky path
called life
we must learn
not to trip
and fall
and hurt ourselves
over these rocks
sometimes these rocks are visible
sometimes not
nevertheless, learn to not trip...over the rocks
but more often than not
we make full circle
and come upon the rocks
once more
and once again
innocent mindedly
we trip and fall
and get hurt.
time to not walk in circles
as to not trip and fall
and stumble and plunge
to the hard hard ground
where no one will catch us
just because we chose
to trip over the same rocks
over and over again...
time to keep moving forward
avoiding the rocks
skimming the stones
going around, walking on top
over the rocks that trip us and hurt us
the end.
ECP = 10-21-2009
The Hijacking of Aeromexico Flight 576
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
The Hijacking of Aeromexico 576: The True Story
Today 09-09-09, Aeromexico Flight 576 from Cancun to Mexico City was hijacked by a fat, smiling Bolivian. Here is the real story of what happened.
A crazy religious nut Bolivian, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, hijacked the Boeing 737 with 112 people aboard bound to el DF. For some reason or another he said they had a bomb made out of a soda can, dirt and lights, and wanted to talk to the president and warn him about an earthquake.
President Calderon meanwhile was like "really? an earthquake? in Mexico? In September? WOW! Thats never happened before...blah". So he ignored the dumbass Bolivian
Mexicans, being the shit talkers that they are said "yeah right, panzon, u aint got no damn bomb, u jus' bullshitting."So while they were eating some delicious tacos de adobada and tortas de milanesa with some cold beers, the Federal Police were rudely interrupted and told to go to the airport and go scrape on some dumbass Bolivians who hijacked a plane.
"We have a bomb! do what we say!" said the fat Bolivian hijackers
"no mames wey" said the Federales.
"Yeah ur right, we cant do shit right, Im Bolivian, nobody can find us on a map" so he let half the passengers off the plane.
"We were hijacked? Whoa! Crazy" said the freed passengers.
Meanwhile at Benito Juarez airport in Mexico City, the Federales were getting pissed off.
"Its been 45 minutes, and im still hungry and I didnt finish my beer god dam it!, and pretty soon its siesta time, Ill be sleepy after my heavy lunch of beer, tacos, tortas and tamales"
so thats why the Federales, in a few seconds, stormed Aeromexico 576, freed the remaining passengers, crew and pilots and slapped around the hijacker and shoved his fat ass into a armored truck.
After the crazy hijacker told the news media he hijacked the jet and wanted to circle Mexico City 7 times as a religious protection for the city about to be devastated, yet again by another dam earthquake.
"Today is 6-6-6 on the calendar! Beware!!" said the crazy man.
"No mames wey" said the chilangos. "Today is September 9, 2009, pendejo"
"wait its not June 6, 2006? D'oh!" said the Bolivian...
Thus ending a very scary tension filled hijacking, in less than ONE HOUR and right before Siesta Time
The Hijacking of Aeromexico 576: The True Story
Today 09-09-09, Aeromexico Flight 576 from Cancun to Mexico City was hijacked by a fat, smiling Bolivian. Here is the real story of what happened.
A crazy religious nut Bolivian, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, hijacked the Boeing 737 with 112 people aboard bound to el DF. For some reason or another he said they had a bomb made out of a soda can, dirt and lights, and wanted to talk to the president and warn him about an earthquake.
President Calderon meanwhile was like "really? an earthquake? in Mexico? In September? WOW! Thats never happened before...blah". So he ignored the dumbass Bolivian
Mexicans, being the shit talkers that they are said "yeah right, panzon, u aint got no damn bomb, u jus' bullshitting."So while they were eating some delicious tacos de adobada and tortas de milanesa with some cold beers, the Federal Police were rudely interrupted and told to go to the airport and go scrape on some dumbass Bolivians who hijacked a plane.
"We have a bomb! do what we say!" said the fat Bolivian hijackers
"no mames wey" said the Federales.
"Yeah ur right, we cant do shit right, Im Bolivian, nobody can find us on a map" so he let half the passengers off the plane.
"We were hijacked? Whoa! Crazy" said the freed passengers.
Meanwhile at Benito Juarez airport in Mexico City, the Federales were getting pissed off.
"Its been 45 minutes, and im still hungry and I didnt finish my beer god dam it!, and pretty soon its siesta time, Ill be sleepy after my heavy lunch of beer, tacos, tortas and tamales"
so thats why the Federales, in a few seconds, stormed Aeromexico 576, freed the remaining passengers, crew and pilots and slapped around the hijacker and shoved his fat ass into a armored truck.
After the crazy hijacker told the news media he hijacked the jet and wanted to circle Mexico City 7 times as a religious protection for the city about to be devastated, yet again by another dam earthquake.
"Today is 6-6-6 on the calendar! Beware!!" said the crazy man.
"No mames wey" said the chilangos. "Today is September 9, 2009, pendejo"
"wait its not June 6, 2006? D'oh!" said the Bolivian...
Thus ending a very scary tension filled hijacking, in less than ONE HOUR and right before Siesta Time
Los Pollitos
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Los Pollitos me Dan Risa. Current mood: cooky/wacky \
Estoy ke me muero de risa
Por estar mirando unos pollos
Apenas salieron del huevo
Y ya se creen meros gallos
Ah ke pollitos chistosos
Nomas armando relajos
El gallo anda en el corral.
Y es el ke manda alli
Y es gallo de pelea
Mejor no le busken ahi
Porke si le buscan le encuentran
Eso ni hay ke decir
.La Inteligencia se hereda
Es cosa que no se aprende
.Si vienes de gallina fina
Es toda tuya la suerte.
Ya si vienes de una culeca.
Ni modo vale, tu pierdes.
Pollitos que apenas nacieron.
Ya se creen reyes del corral.
Kieren hasta pisar las gallinas
De plano les falta moral.
Pero este gallo no se enoja ni se ofende
Porke nomas a el risa le da.
Pollos les voy a dar un consejo
Y tenganlo en la memoria
Ya porke son hijos de gallo
No crean que son igual.
Porke para ser gallo fino
Hace falta no ser tan animal.
No se anden tan cosijosos.
Ni se kieran pasar de valientes
Porke en el momento mas inesperado
se los puede llevar por en frente
el gavilan ke por ahi anda
vigilando el rancho, pariente.
Ke curiosos, pollos del camino.
Que nomas andan "pio, pio"
han de tener hambrita los pobres.
Pero no hay problema, mi amigo.
Ke para eso estoy aqui, su padre.
Aqui ya les tengo su maizito.
Pollos tercos, les digo una cosa.
Para llegar a tener este grado.
Hace falta una cosa valiosa
ke a muchos a veces les falta.
ahi les va una pista y una clave
.esa cosa es "producto de madre"
escrito: ECP - 09/15/09
Los Pollitos me Dan Risa. Current mood: cooky/wacky \
Estoy ke me muero de risa
Por estar mirando unos pollos
Apenas salieron del huevo
Y ya se creen meros gallos
Ah ke pollitos chistosos
Nomas armando relajos
El gallo anda en el corral.
Y es el ke manda alli
Y es gallo de pelea
Mejor no le busken ahi
Porke si le buscan le encuentran
Eso ni hay ke decir
.La Inteligencia se hereda
Es cosa que no se aprende
.Si vienes de gallina fina
Es toda tuya la suerte.
Ya si vienes de una culeca.
Ni modo vale, tu pierdes.
Pollitos que apenas nacieron.
Ya se creen reyes del corral.
Kieren hasta pisar las gallinas
De plano les falta moral.
Pero este gallo no se enoja ni se ofende
Porke nomas a el risa le da.
Pollos les voy a dar un consejo
Y tenganlo en la memoria
Ya porke son hijos de gallo
No crean que son igual.
Porke para ser gallo fino
Hace falta no ser tan animal.
No se anden tan cosijosos.
Ni se kieran pasar de valientes
Porke en el momento mas inesperado
se los puede llevar por en frente
el gavilan ke por ahi anda
vigilando el rancho, pariente.
Ke curiosos, pollos del camino.
Que nomas andan "pio, pio"
han de tener hambrita los pobres.
Pero no hay problema, mi amigo.
Ke para eso estoy aqui, su padre.
Aqui ya les tengo su maizito.
Pollos tercos, les digo una cosa.
Para llegar a tener este grado.
Hace falta una cosa valiosa
ke a muchos a veces les falta.
ahi les va una pista y una clave
.esa cosa es "producto de madre"
escrito: ECP - 09/15/09
What Love Really Is
Monday, September 28, 2009
What Love Really Is Category: Romance and Relationships
Love is a complicated and misunderstood feeling and emotion. Many, even at old age, struggle to comprehend what it really is.
When you're young you fight the newly found emotion. Many of us, who have had our share of misfortune in relationships choose to give up on this the most beautiful yet complicated of feelings. But its not that hard to realize what it is.
Its So simple. Its the recognition of somebody. Somebody that when youre feeling the lowest of the low, takes time out of their day to ask you how are. The feeling you get when you realize that person will lay down their life for you, no questions asked. Loyalty and Respect and Trust come with Love. Its an emotion not unlike a rose, that if left un nurtured, it will die.
Love constantly needs to be acknowledged. Love constantly needs to be rekindled. People get too used to things and their significant other. They stop trying. They act stupid. They lie. Betray. Love lays forgotten. New emotions take place. Resentment. Anger. Jealousy. All because the Love was pushed aside, forgotten for a moment. And in those crucial moments, it withered. And finally died.
Like all things, living...leave them without nourishment and they too, will wither and die, never to come back. We take it for granted, and we fail to remember that its a beautiful thing. Its the thing that made us happy in the first place. There is no reason why it should not continue to make us happy forever.
Love takes dedication and hard work. It goes both ways. Once you feel it in your heart, its there to stay. Its not as confusing as people think. The only thing that confuses and clouds judgement is fear. Fear becomes an obstacle for Love. People expect it. People demand it. But it just comes to you. By actions. Kind Words. A kiss. A touch. A look your significant other gives you. And Love lasts as long as you want it to last. Could be a lifetime. Could be a week
.People have grown too accustomed to Love. Its something that "comes or goes". No. It will leave you if you dont take care of it. Just like anything else, dont take care of something valuable and see how quickly you lose it. Take time out of your day to just hug your loved one and remind them of how you feel. Because those little touches and signs of affection are exactly what Love is made of.
Love isnt stupid. People are stupid. Love doesnt hurt. People use Love to hurt others. Keep on working on it. Keep on doing the big things and the little things, sweet little nothings that no matter how miniscule, they matter a lot. And those things, will remind you, of why you fell in love in the first place.
What Love Really Is Category: Romance and Relationships
Love is a complicated and misunderstood feeling and emotion. Many, even at old age, struggle to comprehend what it really is.
When you're young you fight the newly found emotion. Many of us, who have had our share of misfortune in relationships choose to give up on this the most beautiful yet complicated of feelings. But its not that hard to realize what it is.
Its So simple. Its the recognition of somebody. Somebody that when youre feeling the lowest of the low, takes time out of their day to ask you how are. The feeling you get when you realize that person will lay down their life for you, no questions asked. Loyalty and Respect and Trust come with Love. Its an emotion not unlike a rose, that if left un nurtured, it will die.
Love constantly needs to be acknowledged. Love constantly needs to be rekindled. People get too used to things and their significant other. They stop trying. They act stupid. They lie. Betray. Love lays forgotten. New emotions take place. Resentment. Anger. Jealousy. All because the Love was pushed aside, forgotten for a moment. And in those crucial moments, it withered. And finally died.
Like all things, living...leave them without nourishment and they too, will wither and die, never to come back. We take it for granted, and we fail to remember that its a beautiful thing. Its the thing that made us happy in the first place. There is no reason why it should not continue to make us happy forever.
Love takes dedication and hard work. It goes both ways. Once you feel it in your heart, its there to stay. Its not as confusing as people think. The only thing that confuses and clouds judgement is fear. Fear becomes an obstacle for Love. People expect it. People demand it. But it just comes to you. By actions. Kind Words. A kiss. A touch. A look your significant other gives you. And Love lasts as long as you want it to last. Could be a lifetime. Could be a week
.People have grown too accustomed to Love. Its something that "comes or goes". No. It will leave you if you dont take care of it. Just like anything else, dont take care of something valuable and see how quickly you lose it. Take time out of your day to just hug your loved one and remind them of how you feel. Because those little touches and signs of affection are exactly what Love is made of.
Love isnt stupid. People are stupid. Love doesnt hurt. People use Love to hurt others. Keep on working on it. Keep on doing the big things and the little things, sweet little nothings that no matter how miniscule, they matter a lot. And those things, will remind you, of why you fell in love in the first place.
In a NY Minute
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
Cherish Life
Because Its gone
In A New York Minute.
People Born.
People Fade
In A New York Minute.
Friendships Forged
Relationships Broken
In A New York Minute.
Feelings of Love Come Over Your Heart
.And You Move On To The Next.
In A New York Minute.
One minute You're On Top Of The World
Next Minute You Wish You Fell Into The Most Deepest Crack
All In a New York Minute.
Smiles Captivate.
Eyes Mesmerize
In A New York Minute
Feelings Grow
Thoughts Wander
In A New York Minute
People Mature
People Lose it
In A New York Minute
You Say Words Of Wisdom And Love
You Later Forget Them
In A New York Minute.
Love Comes
Love Leaves
In A New York Minute.
Cherish Life. Appreciate Friends. Realize What You Have. Because When You Least Expect It. When You Least Want It. When You Least Suspect.Its All Gone.
In A New York Minute...
By EC - 09022009
Cherish Life
Because Its gone
In A New York Minute.
People Born.
People Fade
In A New York Minute.
Friendships Forged
Relationships Broken
In A New York Minute.
Feelings of Love Come Over Your Heart
.And You Move On To The Next.
In A New York Minute.
One minute You're On Top Of The World
Next Minute You Wish You Fell Into The Most Deepest Crack
All In a New York Minute.
Smiles Captivate.
Eyes Mesmerize
In A New York Minute
Feelings Grow
Thoughts Wander
In A New York Minute
People Mature
People Lose it
In A New York Minute
You Say Words Of Wisdom And Love
You Later Forget Them
In A New York Minute.
Love Comes
Love Leaves
In A New York Minute.
Cherish Life. Appreciate Friends. Realize What You Have. Because When You Least Expect It. When You Least Want It. When You Least Suspect.Its All Gone.
In A New York Minute...
By EC - 09022009
The Slut Pandemic
Thursday, April 30, 2009
The Slut Pandemic - 2008 - Present
The H1N1 Influenza is on the news lately. Lot of people using the word "Pandemic". Many didnt even know what the fuck a "pandemic" was. Epidemic? No. Pandemic? Oh!.But for years there has been another pandemic ravaging our nation and the world. Im talking of the "Slut Pandemic". A silent disease that spreads like wildfire but the symtoms are highly noticeable. Any nightclub is ground zero. Every single country in the world is infected.Its a terrible "disease". It starts with music. Maybe a music video. Perhaps watching a movie. It seems to affect women ages 13-30 years old. The disease doesnt discriminate, it hits all races, all social classes. The victim, watches a movie, perhaps hears a song. For example "Blame it on the alcohol". Sounds like a "Guy" song (Song speaks of getting girls drunk and fucking them)But more and more females are heard singing the song, in clubs, bars, restaurants, parties, any place really with a close proximity to Alcohol.But as of late, cases of Slut-enza are multiplying. By the millions. Its exact origin is unknown, perhaps the United States, with a high number of confirmed Slut cases. Perhaps a nightclub in any big city in the U.S. It later spread to other countries.Symptoms are but not limited to: False sense of independence, erroneous belief that having many lovers makes one independent and not a slut, the more alcohol ingested the more the disease spreads.Experts urge extreme caution. They advice that using common sense can prevent a female from becoming infected with Slut-enza. Practicing Common Sense in public venues, not ingesting exageratted amounts of alcohol that will cloud judgement and thinking, and having a dose of Self Respect. Strong Will Power is also a known antivirus.Those who fall ill with Slut-enza report that after ingesting many Adios Mothafuckers (a common catalyst for Slut-enza) they report symptoms of stupidity and bad judgement. Next morning is followed by feelings of embarrassment and regret. Slut-enza tends to pop up again and again, many days a month. Even though victims would like to be cured, they tend to have a relapse and Slut-enza spreads.There ARE cures and the world is working on a vaccination to forever rid the world of this terrible plague. The most common cure is called Self Respect. Not readily available for everyone but experts say it works against the silent pandemic ravaging our towns, cities and villages.These past few years the cases have been multiplying and spreading, it has become more noticeable. But experts say this pandemic has been going on for years. One only hopes that those affected will reach a dose of Self Respect.Before they succumb totally to the Slut Pandemic. And it will be too late.
The Slut Pandemic - 2008 - Present
The H1N1 Influenza is on the news lately. Lot of people using the word "Pandemic". Many didnt even know what the fuck a "pandemic" was. Epidemic? No. Pandemic? Oh!.But for years there has been another pandemic ravaging our nation and the world. Im talking of the "Slut Pandemic". A silent disease that spreads like wildfire but the symtoms are highly noticeable. Any nightclub is ground zero. Every single country in the world is infected.Its a terrible "disease". It starts with music. Maybe a music video. Perhaps watching a movie. It seems to affect women ages 13-30 years old. The disease doesnt discriminate, it hits all races, all social classes. The victim, watches a movie, perhaps hears a song. For example "Blame it on the alcohol". Sounds like a "Guy" song (Song speaks of getting girls drunk and fucking them)But more and more females are heard singing the song, in clubs, bars, restaurants, parties, any place really with a close proximity to Alcohol.But as of late, cases of Slut-enza are multiplying. By the millions. Its exact origin is unknown, perhaps the United States, with a high number of confirmed Slut cases. Perhaps a nightclub in any big city in the U.S. It later spread to other countries.Symptoms are but not limited to: False sense of independence, erroneous belief that having many lovers makes one independent and not a slut, the more alcohol ingested the more the disease spreads.Experts urge extreme caution. They advice that using common sense can prevent a female from becoming infected with Slut-enza. Practicing Common Sense in public venues, not ingesting exageratted amounts of alcohol that will cloud judgement and thinking, and having a dose of Self Respect. Strong Will Power is also a known antivirus.Those who fall ill with Slut-enza report that after ingesting many Adios Mothafuckers (a common catalyst for Slut-enza) they report symptoms of stupidity and bad judgement. Next morning is followed by feelings of embarrassment and regret. Slut-enza tends to pop up again and again, many days a month. Even though victims would like to be cured, they tend to have a relapse and Slut-enza spreads.There ARE cures and the world is working on a vaccination to forever rid the world of this terrible plague. The most common cure is called Self Respect. Not readily available for everyone but experts say it works against the silent pandemic ravaging our towns, cities and villages.These past few years the cases have been multiplying and spreading, it has become more noticeable. But experts say this pandemic has been going on for years. One only hopes that those affected will reach a dose of Self Respect.Before they succumb totally to the Slut Pandemic. And it will be too late.
Cinco de Mayo For Gangstas
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
cinco de mayo
is not mexican independence day. here is what happened, since a lotta people dont like history ill break it down so ppl can understand.Ok. so France, which is always trying to get all up in peoples grills all the time, came to mexico and imposed its pupper dictator Maximillian and his wife Carlotta (Charlotte for u guys who dont know what Carlotta means).France wanted to colonize mexico but the proud mexicans, who were always pissed off about sumthing and drunk on mezcal said "Fuck that Shit!" Fuck France.So they declared war on France and got their mexican asses WOOPED son, BUT on May 5, 1862, outside the city of Puebla (where they make camote, CAMOTEROS) da pissed off mexicans drunk on mezcal gathered all pointy and sharp things they could find. machetes, sticks, old rifles, knives, sling shots, pitchfolks, farm tools, whatever they could find to make them fuckin franceses cry like the little bitches that they are. Weel they werent really peasants fighting the French it was actual Mexican troops but you know, whatever.So under General Ignacio Zaragoza (the guy on the 500 mexican peso bank note, dude with the glasses) they fought the french and wooped their ass good, i mean the french got fuckin SCRAPED, thousands and thousands of french ran off screaming "Mon Dieu, les mexicaines Non!!! AHHH!" a few hundred pissed off mexicans with sharp and pokey things won the battle. No cannons, bayonets or muskets were match for a drunk pissed off Camotero.So thats Cinco de Mayo...Carlota and Maximillian were kicked out Chapultepec Castle in Mexico City, Maximillian was executed by the Juaristas and Carlotta went Street Rat crazy, and we still eat tacos and tequila instead of croissants and wine.Shows thats when a Mexican really believes in something they can accomplish anything. Not todays generation though. they a bunch of lazy fucks.
"Las Armas Nacionales se han cubierto de Gloria"- Message to Pres. Benito Juarez from General Zaragoza, translation "We wooped the french's ass , son!
"Interesting Facts if France would of conquered Mexique (Mexico)* The Frenchicans would be running heroin out of the port of "Manzanilloux"* Wine during breakfast lunch and dinner.*The US would of declared war on Ville du Mexique (Mexico City) for infecting everybody with Influenza Swine Flu H1N1 Frenchmans Disease.*98 percent of Frenchicans would be fresas. white, blonde skinned fresas.*Mexico City would still look like Paris like it did in the 1800's*Tacos would not exist because they are too lower class, instead Frenchicans would eat Frog Legs and Escargot and Duck A L'Orange.*People would drive Renaults instead of Nissan Tsurus and Combis.*Mexico would probably not exist because the US at some point after the colonization would be like "Mexico has oil, lets make it our bitch, fuck the french" and Mexique, run by french, would of surrendered to the US in less than an hour. Mexique would be New New Mexico....a US Territory
cinco de mayo
is not mexican independence day. here is what happened, since a lotta people dont like history ill break it down so ppl can understand.Ok. so France, which is always trying to get all up in peoples grills all the time, came to mexico and imposed its pupper dictator Maximillian and his wife Carlotta (Charlotte for u guys who dont know what Carlotta means).France wanted to colonize mexico but the proud mexicans, who were always pissed off about sumthing and drunk on mezcal said "Fuck that Shit!" Fuck France.So they declared war on France and got their mexican asses WOOPED son, BUT on May 5, 1862, outside the city of Puebla (where they make camote, CAMOTEROS) da pissed off mexicans drunk on mezcal gathered all pointy and sharp things they could find. machetes, sticks, old rifles, knives, sling shots, pitchfolks, farm tools, whatever they could find to make them fuckin franceses cry like the little bitches that they are. Weel they werent really peasants fighting the French it was actual Mexican troops but you know, whatever.So under General Ignacio Zaragoza (the guy on the 500 mexican peso bank note, dude with the glasses) they fought the french and wooped their ass good, i mean the french got fuckin SCRAPED, thousands and thousands of french ran off screaming "Mon Dieu, les mexicaines Non!!! AHHH!" a few hundred pissed off mexicans with sharp and pokey things won the battle. No cannons, bayonets or muskets were match for a drunk pissed off Camotero.So thats Cinco de Mayo...Carlota and Maximillian were kicked out Chapultepec Castle in Mexico City, Maximillian was executed by the Juaristas and Carlotta went Street Rat crazy, and we still eat tacos and tequila instead of croissants and wine.Shows thats when a Mexican really believes in something they can accomplish anything. Not todays generation though. they a bunch of lazy fucks.
"Las Armas Nacionales se han cubierto de Gloria"- Message to Pres. Benito Juarez from General Zaragoza, translation "We wooped the french's ass , son!
"Interesting Facts if France would of conquered Mexique (Mexico)* The Frenchicans would be running heroin out of the port of "Manzanilloux"* Wine during breakfast lunch and dinner.*The US would of declared war on Ville du Mexique (Mexico City) for infecting everybody with Influenza Swine Flu H1N1 Frenchmans Disease.*98 percent of Frenchicans would be fresas. white, blonde skinned fresas.*Mexico City would still look like Paris like it did in the 1800's*Tacos would not exist because they are too lower class, instead Frenchicans would eat Frog Legs and Escargot and Duck A L'Orange.*People would drive Renaults instead of Nissan Tsurus and Combis.*Mexico would probably not exist because the US at some point after the colonization would be like "Mexico has oil, lets make it our bitch, fuck the french" and Mexique, run by french, would of surrendered to the US in less than an hour. Mexique would be New New Mexico....a US Territory
One Lucky Guy: Tragedy In Tequila
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
One Lucky Guy: Tragedy in Tequila.
A lonely young man, in his mid twenties milled about the Central Camionera bus terminal of the city of Guadalajara. He had a small backpack and walked around the seating area of the bus station waiting for his bus. Several passengers sat and waited, chatting among themselves, children running around trying to keep themselves busy, awaiting their departure. A voice came over the old station's PA system:
"Attention passengers on bus number 507 Autobuses de Occidente, bound for Puerto Vallarta, please begin boarding at Gate 7. Thank You".
It was nearly 10 P.M on the night of March 6th, 1984.The young man joined the rest of the people waiting for bus 507. They headed to Gate 7 and were met by a chubby man with a thick mustache who greeted them and helped them load their luggage into the Autobuses de Occidente bus.
The passengers eagerly awaited the sunny sandy beaches of Puerto Vallarta. The young man thought about what he would do upon arriving in Vallarta. He wanted a drink. Maybe explore some bars or nightclubs. He wanted to meet new people. He felt lonely. His parents had died the previous year, he was struggling in school and recently had lost his job. He was down on his luck but he needed a little time off to think and relax a bit before figuring out how to put his life back on track.
Puerto Vallarta seemed ideal, only a 5 hour bus ride away from Guadalajara.
He found his seat on the bus, next to the window. He tucked his backpack under his seat and sat. Put his jacket on the window to use as a pillow. A friendly older woman sat beside him. She smiled at him politely. He started to doze off as he felt the old Mexican-made DINA bus start to pull out of the station and drive off into the Guadalajara beltway.
A few minutes later he felt a tap on his arm. It was the lady next to him who had smiled at him. "Excuse me young man, but do you mind switching seats with me? I tend to get nauseous on long bus rides and the open window would do me some good". "Of course, no problem" he said to her and they switched seats. He tried to sleep in his aisle seat but it was uncomfortable now. "Oh well he thought, as long as the lady doesn't throw up on me" he thought. He dozed off once again.
About 45 minutes into their trip, tragedy awaited. The driver of a big Kenworth tanker truck was already dozing off, driving his truck down a narrow winding road near Tequila, Jalisco.
Autobuses de Occidente No 507 had just passed the town of Magdalena, outside of Tequila and was heading to a blind curve. The driver of the tanker truck coming in the opposite direction was already falling asleep and his truck was crossing onto the oncoming lane. Right at the blind curve, the tanker truck struck the passenger bus head on at nearly 85 miles an hour. The truck's tanker sliced right through the right side of the bus nearly through the bus's entire length smashing seats and people. The crash was brutal.
The man responsible for the tragedy, the trucks driver had somehow survived the horrendous crash. He cowardly jumped out of his smashed cab and ran into the fields and fled the scene.
The young man had awoken from his sleep by the terrible impact. He screamed and int he darkness tried to look around. There was no more window it was ripped away and he looked over to see if the woman next to him was ok. He was horrified to see she no longer had a head.
Stunned and dazed he managed to stumble out of his seat which was toward the back of the bus. There were no screams. No cries. Only bodies. In shock by the scene he went back and sat down. Stunned.
A passing motorist drove into the gruesome scene. Dust covered bodies and body parts littered the road, mixed among suitcases, bags, and pieces of the bus' wall. The motorist summoned the Red Cross in Magdalena and several Ambulances from Tequila and Ameca rushed to the scene along with a firetruck and a police car.
The paramedics were met by silence however. No screams of pain, no cries no yelling. Only one man, the young man down on his luck, emerged from the wreckage. One of the paramedics told him "Young man, everyone here is dead, everyone. You're the only one alive. Thank God for that, You're born again, man"
.29 people died that night on the Magdalena-Tequila road. Only one man had survived one of Jalisco states worst highway accidents. He was sent to a hospital in Guadalajara where he stayed the night in observation but he was okay, he had survived the crash unharmed. Scared and traumatized by the bloody carnage but he was alive.
Marcos Manuel Cisneros was born again that night. To this day, 25 years after the crash he cant help but wonder why he was spared. Out of 30 people on the bus he was the only one left alive. Every year, he faithfully returns to the curve outside the town of Tequila which was the scene of so much blood. He places flowers at a lonely cross that was put there in memory of the dead.
That night of March 6th, 1984 he was down on his luck and everything was going wrong. But that night he was given another opportunity and another chance at the greatest gift of all:
One Lucky Guy: Tragedy in Tequila.
A lonely young man, in his mid twenties milled about the Central Camionera bus terminal of the city of Guadalajara. He had a small backpack and walked around the seating area of the bus station waiting for his bus. Several passengers sat and waited, chatting among themselves, children running around trying to keep themselves busy, awaiting their departure. A voice came over the old station's PA system:
"Attention passengers on bus number 507 Autobuses de Occidente, bound for Puerto Vallarta, please begin boarding at Gate 7. Thank You".
It was nearly 10 P.M on the night of March 6th, 1984.The young man joined the rest of the people waiting for bus 507. They headed to Gate 7 and were met by a chubby man with a thick mustache who greeted them and helped them load their luggage into the Autobuses de Occidente bus.
The passengers eagerly awaited the sunny sandy beaches of Puerto Vallarta. The young man thought about what he would do upon arriving in Vallarta. He wanted a drink. Maybe explore some bars or nightclubs. He wanted to meet new people. He felt lonely. His parents had died the previous year, he was struggling in school and recently had lost his job. He was down on his luck but he needed a little time off to think and relax a bit before figuring out how to put his life back on track.
Puerto Vallarta seemed ideal, only a 5 hour bus ride away from Guadalajara.
He found his seat on the bus, next to the window. He tucked his backpack under his seat and sat. Put his jacket on the window to use as a pillow. A friendly older woman sat beside him. She smiled at him politely. He started to doze off as he felt the old Mexican-made DINA bus start to pull out of the station and drive off into the Guadalajara beltway.
A few minutes later he felt a tap on his arm. It was the lady next to him who had smiled at him. "Excuse me young man, but do you mind switching seats with me? I tend to get nauseous on long bus rides and the open window would do me some good". "Of course, no problem" he said to her and they switched seats. He tried to sleep in his aisle seat but it was uncomfortable now. "Oh well he thought, as long as the lady doesn't throw up on me" he thought. He dozed off once again.
About 45 minutes into their trip, tragedy awaited. The driver of a big Kenworth tanker truck was already dozing off, driving his truck down a narrow winding road near Tequila, Jalisco.
Autobuses de Occidente No 507 had just passed the town of Magdalena, outside of Tequila and was heading to a blind curve. The driver of the tanker truck coming in the opposite direction was already falling asleep and his truck was crossing onto the oncoming lane. Right at the blind curve, the tanker truck struck the passenger bus head on at nearly 85 miles an hour. The truck's tanker sliced right through the right side of the bus nearly through the bus's entire length smashing seats and people. The crash was brutal.
The man responsible for the tragedy, the trucks driver had somehow survived the horrendous crash. He cowardly jumped out of his smashed cab and ran into the fields and fled the scene.
The young man had awoken from his sleep by the terrible impact. He screamed and int he darkness tried to look around. There was no more window it was ripped away and he looked over to see if the woman next to him was ok. He was horrified to see she no longer had a head.
Stunned and dazed he managed to stumble out of his seat which was toward the back of the bus. There were no screams. No cries. Only bodies. In shock by the scene he went back and sat down. Stunned.
A passing motorist drove into the gruesome scene. Dust covered bodies and body parts littered the road, mixed among suitcases, bags, and pieces of the bus' wall. The motorist summoned the Red Cross in Magdalena and several Ambulances from Tequila and Ameca rushed to the scene along with a firetruck and a police car.
The paramedics were met by silence however. No screams of pain, no cries no yelling. Only one man, the young man down on his luck, emerged from the wreckage. One of the paramedics told him "Young man, everyone here is dead, everyone. You're the only one alive. Thank God for that, You're born again, man"
.29 people died that night on the Magdalena-Tequila road. Only one man had survived one of Jalisco states worst highway accidents. He was sent to a hospital in Guadalajara where he stayed the night in observation but he was okay, he had survived the crash unharmed. Scared and traumatized by the bloody carnage but he was alive.
Marcos Manuel Cisneros was born again that night. To this day, 25 years after the crash he cant help but wonder why he was spared. Out of 30 people on the bus he was the only one left alive. Every year, he faithfully returns to the curve outside the town of Tequila which was the scene of so much blood. He places flowers at a lonely cross that was put there in memory of the dead.
That night of March 6th, 1984 he was down on his luck and everything was going wrong. But that night he was given another opportunity and another chance at the greatest gift of all:
A Quien Corresponda
Monday, June 22, 2009
A Quien Corresponda.
A diario te recuerdo. Casi a diario te sueno. Tu imagen eternamente plasmada en mi mente. Tu recuerdo lo llevo en mi junto al corazon. Mi vida se ha vuelto un martirio. Una tortura de la cual no le veo fin. Angustiado vagando por el mundo buscando aquel ser perdido. Aquel amor que se disipo en el aire. Que se fue con el viento. Las palabras de amor, caricias, todas perdidas en el pasado. No me arrepiento de haberte conocido. Doy gracias a Dios el haber tenido el privilegio de conocer una persona singular como tu. Yo no soy perfecto, ni lo fui, ni lo soy ni lo sere. Soy humano. Y los humanos cometen errores. Solo te pido perdon si acaso algun dia o alguna noche derramaste lagrimas por mi culpa. Perdon que me sale de lo mas profundo de mi alma y del mas lejano rincon de mi corazon. Perdon que te pido si te hice sufrir a solas porque estando sin ti, comprendo y se lo que es sufrimiento. Cosas que hice, Cosas que dije, Cosas que no hice, Cosas que no dije, solo te pido perdon por el dolor que algun dia te cause.La ignorancia y el egoismo triunfo. Al final nos separo. El orgullo vencio al amor. Ese maldito orgullo que fue lo mas negativo que compartimos los dos. Los malos consejos de la gente que carecen de sabiduria triunfaron. Perdieron la fe, la esperanza, los sentimientos y el amor. Sentimientos nobles y sin malicia que fueron arrojados a el oscuro abismo del olvido. El amor que un dia compartimos derrepente se convirtio en algo banal digno de tirarlo y seguir marchando.Mi mente sabe que tu ya eres una estrella inalcanzable. Pero el corazon, terco y caprichoso como lo es, quiere una sola cosa: A ti. Verte sonreir, oir tu risa, oler tu escencia, sentir tus caricias. Que estes junto a mi, tan solo un minuto.Poder bajar del cielo negro una estrella para regalartela Eso bastaria por calmar mis noches sin descanso y mis dias llenos de melancolia y recuerdos de los cuales el corazon se aferra. Caminar por la calle se vuelve una odisea dolorosa al recordar los lugares que recorrimos, de las cosas que hablamos, los momentos compartidos.La mente sabe lo que debo de hacer. Olvidarte como tu lo has echo. No recordarte como tu no lo haces. Hacer como que no existes como tu lo haces conmigo. Y vivir mi vida sin ti, ya que te has convertido una estrella. Un lucero que no es tan brillante.
Una lejana estrella que brilla con la luz opaca de la ignorancia.
escrito x: ECP - 22062009
A Quien Corresponda.
A diario te recuerdo. Casi a diario te sueno. Tu imagen eternamente plasmada en mi mente. Tu recuerdo lo llevo en mi junto al corazon. Mi vida se ha vuelto un martirio. Una tortura de la cual no le veo fin. Angustiado vagando por el mundo buscando aquel ser perdido. Aquel amor que se disipo en el aire. Que se fue con el viento. Las palabras de amor, caricias, todas perdidas en el pasado. No me arrepiento de haberte conocido. Doy gracias a Dios el haber tenido el privilegio de conocer una persona singular como tu. Yo no soy perfecto, ni lo fui, ni lo soy ni lo sere. Soy humano. Y los humanos cometen errores. Solo te pido perdon si acaso algun dia o alguna noche derramaste lagrimas por mi culpa. Perdon que me sale de lo mas profundo de mi alma y del mas lejano rincon de mi corazon. Perdon que te pido si te hice sufrir a solas porque estando sin ti, comprendo y se lo que es sufrimiento. Cosas que hice, Cosas que dije, Cosas que no hice, Cosas que no dije, solo te pido perdon por el dolor que algun dia te cause.La ignorancia y el egoismo triunfo. Al final nos separo. El orgullo vencio al amor. Ese maldito orgullo que fue lo mas negativo que compartimos los dos. Los malos consejos de la gente que carecen de sabiduria triunfaron. Perdieron la fe, la esperanza, los sentimientos y el amor. Sentimientos nobles y sin malicia que fueron arrojados a el oscuro abismo del olvido. El amor que un dia compartimos derrepente se convirtio en algo banal digno de tirarlo y seguir marchando.Mi mente sabe que tu ya eres una estrella inalcanzable. Pero el corazon, terco y caprichoso como lo es, quiere una sola cosa: A ti. Verte sonreir, oir tu risa, oler tu escencia, sentir tus caricias. Que estes junto a mi, tan solo un minuto.Poder bajar del cielo negro una estrella para regalartela Eso bastaria por calmar mis noches sin descanso y mis dias llenos de melancolia y recuerdos de los cuales el corazon se aferra. Caminar por la calle se vuelve una odisea dolorosa al recordar los lugares que recorrimos, de las cosas que hablamos, los momentos compartidos.La mente sabe lo que debo de hacer. Olvidarte como tu lo has echo. No recordarte como tu no lo haces. Hacer como que no existes como tu lo haces conmigo. Y vivir mi vida sin ti, ya que te has convertido una estrella. Un lucero que no es tan brillante.
Una lejana estrella que brilla con la luz opaca de la ignorancia.
escrito x: ECP - 22062009
The Fate of the Honest Man
Sunday, January 25, 2009
The Fate of the Honest me
I was born in poverty in the early 1950s.Working at an early age to provide for my family and numerous siblings.Starting at age 15, ignoring school and play, rising with the sun to work hard .Saving my money throughout adolescence my early youth so I could afford a educationThrough Hard work I went to college briefly.Meanwhile I worked menial jobs to cover expenses.One day i was shining a very important looking man's shoes on a street cornerAfter brief conversation he offers me a job at his bank. He owns a bank. Wow.I eagerly accept his offer and inform him of my limited education but vast reserves of energy and desire to work and learn the ropes. He admires this which is why he says he offers me the job.I start at the bank, nervous and excited to work in such an important building for such an important man.Years go by, and gradually I begin to move up the ladder, getting promoted.But I see my fellow workers doing despicable things.Stealing, forging and lying. Fattening their pockets behind the old mans back who is now beginning to falter with age and health.My fellow workers tell me "Hey, the old man wont last long, wont you partake in our deeds?""Id rather not" is my reply. The old man's own nephew is the one who steals the most. Lies the most. Forges the mostYet I keep quiet. Out of my old school ways, to Mind My Own Business.But should I say something? Out of loyalty to the old man who one day found me in the streets?One day the news comes from the man himself. He is retiring. He can no longer go on. He will leave the Bank to the person he trusts the most and is the most loyal and respectful to him: His Nephew. Nepotism at its finest. He proudly accepts the offer.A week later the nephew calls me into his office. He informs me my services are no longer needed.And after 25 years on the job, it is over. Quietly I gather my things and exit the building. A week before Christmas, as I walk out I hear the old time song on the PA, lyrics that I will always remember..."and I say to myself...what a wonderful world......oh yeahhhhh......."THE END.Moral of the Story: More often than not, the honest man fails and the wicked one prevails
The Fate of the Honest me
I was born in poverty in the early 1950s.Working at an early age to provide for my family and numerous siblings.Starting at age 15, ignoring school and play, rising with the sun to work hard .Saving my money throughout adolescence my early youth so I could afford a educationThrough Hard work I went to college briefly.Meanwhile I worked menial jobs to cover expenses.One day i was shining a very important looking man's shoes on a street cornerAfter brief conversation he offers me a job at his bank. He owns a bank. Wow.I eagerly accept his offer and inform him of my limited education but vast reserves of energy and desire to work and learn the ropes. He admires this which is why he says he offers me the job.I start at the bank, nervous and excited to work in such an important building for such an important man.Years go by, and gradually I begin to move up the ladder, getting promoted.But I see my fellow workers doing despicable things.Stealing, forging and lying. Fattening their pockets behind the old mans back who is now beginning to falter with age and health.My fellow workers tell me "Hey, the old man wont last long, wont you partake in our deeds?""Id rather not" is my reply. The old man's own nephew is the one who steals the most. Lies the most. Forges the mostYet I keep quiet. Out of my old school ways, to Mind My Own Business.But should I say something? Out of loyalty to the old man who one day found me in the streets?One day the news comes from the man himself. He is retiring. He can no longer go on. He will leave the Bank to the person he trusts the most and is the most loyal and respectful to him: His Nephew. Nepotism at its finest. He proudly accepts the offer.A week later the nephew calls me into his office. He informs me my services are no longer needed.And after 25 years on the job, it is over. Quietly I gather my things and exit the building. A week before Christmas, as I walk out I hear the old time song on the PA, lyrics that I will always remember..."and I say to myself...what a wonderful world......oh yeahhhhh......."THE END.Moral of the Story: More often than not, the honest man fails and the wicked one prevails
Palestinian/Israeli Struggle
Monday, February 02, 2009
Peace in the Middle East: The Palestinian/Israeli struggle
"Hamas recently declared war on Israel..."- actual quote I heard on a show on Fox News - January 28, 2009This kind of misinformation in our pristine ever-correct American media is what fuels the fire. The hatred. The misconception of the "rock throwing hateful Palestinian suicide bomber". The enemy of Israel and since Israel is an ally, therefore an enemy of America. Wrong. Lies.Israel since day one has resorted to violence and terrorism. Just google the "King David Hotel Bombing". What happened there? Jewish terrorists dressed in Arab garb bombed a hotel. Dozens were killed. Has anyone ever heard of that? Nope. That act of terror lays forgotten in the shadow of 9-11. Anyone remember the massacres at the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps in Lebanon in September 1982? Christian miliatiamen murdering civilians. Dead women and babies littered the streets of the camp. Did anyone learn about that ever? In school? on the news? Anyone remember the massacre at Jenin? This was a few years ago. But already forgotten.So the Palestinians have declared war on goody goody Israel right? Its mutual hatred. The Palestinians are a proud people ready to die for their right to have a homeland. The Jewish populace believe God promised them their own piece of land therefore making them the rightful owners of the land. Religion... the one cause of problems in the world. Put it this way. A boy on a sandbox playing for hours. Then comes a new boy and declares the sandbox his. "Nope", says the first boy, "I have been playing here for hours". Well, says the second boy, "God has promised me this sandbox".The first boy refutes saying that his God is not his own God. They resort to violence. First boy throws rocks what is available to him. Second boy resorts to using heavy weaponry with the aid of his other friend, a bigger, taller and more powerful friend. One has to ask. Is this all fair? The Bigger, Taller friend then tells the whole playground that boy number one is hateful and bitter and a fanatic and doesn't want to share his sandbox and recognize boy number twos right to existence. Hm...sound familiar? Boy number one just wants to play in the sandbox. What happened to his right? To be free? and able to do what he wants?Recently Israel attacked Gaza. Bombs, Planes and Phosphorus, burning everyone. What did everyone hear in the media? That Israel was going after Hamas. More than 1000 died in the attacks. 1000 members of Hamas right? No. Of the 1000, only a few were actual Hamas. The rest? Of course you guessed it. Civilians. Men, women and children. Bombed schools. Hospitals. Hundreds of dead kids. Did anyone come to Gaza's defense? No. All support was on Israel. Israel is our friend. Our ally. Nothing they do is wrong, just as nothing we do is wrong.And the world wonders why Palestinians are so angry. One sided treatment 24-7. I'm Mexican, not Palestinian yet i understand their struggle. Why? Because I'm human. The right to be free. The right to exist, and the pursuit of happiness.That's the right of any human being living on this earth. Key words in our Constitution and our declaration of Independence. Words that now lay forgotten in our never ending "War on Terror".Peace in the middle east is possible. But the two sides are too stubborn. Israel abuses every chance to show that its the superpower. Palestine harbors years of resentment. If one day they woke up and decided to live and let live. That would be the end. The recognition of a Jewish state AND a neighboring Palestinian state with its own right to exist. In peace, side by side, not destroying each other but helping each other. In the lands of Jesus, Moses, Mohammad, lands that these three men walked so many years ago. Tolerance. Freedom of religion, no one religion is supreme to the other. All religions and theologies beautiful in their own right. Anything is possible with peace.
Peace in the Middle East: The Palestinian/Israeli struggle
"Hamas recently declared war on Israel..."- actual quote I heard on a show on Fox News - January 28, 2009This kind of misinformation in our pristine ever-correct American media is what fuels the fire. The hatred. The misconception of the "rock throwing hateful Palestinian suicide bomber". The enemy of Israel and since Israel is an ally, therefore an enemy of America. Wrong. Lies.Israel since day one has resorted to violence and terrorism. Just google the "King David Hotel Bombing". What happened there? Jewish terrorists dressed in Arab garb bombed a hotel. Dozens were killed. Has anyone ever heard of that? Nope. That act of terror lays forgotten in the shadow of 9-11. Anyone remember the massacres at the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps in Lebanon in September 1982? Christian miliatiamen murdering civilians. Dead women and babies littered the streets of the camp. Did anyone learn about that ever? In school? on the news? Anyone remember the massacre at Jenin? This was a few years ago. But already forgotten.So the Palestinians have declared war on goody goody Israel right? Its mutual hatred. The Palestinians are a proud people ready to die for their right to have a homeland. The Jewish populace believe God promised them their own piece of land therefore making them the rightful owners of the land. Religion... the one cause of problems in the world. Put it this way. A boy on a sandbox playing for hours. Then comes a new boy and declares the sandbox his. "Nope", says the first boy, "I have been playing here for hours". Well, says the second boy, "God has promised me this sandbox".The first boy refutes saying that his God is not his own God. They resort to violence. First boy throws rocks what is available to him. Second boy resorts to using heavy weaponry with the aid of his other friend, a bigger, taller and more powerful friend. One has to ask. Is this all fair? The Bigger, Taller friend then tells the whole playground that boy number one is hateful and bitter and a fanatic and doesn't want to share his sandbox and recognize boy number twos right to existence. Hm...sound familiar? Boy number one just wants to play in the sandbox. What happened to his right? To be free? and able to do what he wants?Recently Israel attacked Gaza. Bombs, Planes and Phosphorus, burning everyone. What did everyone hear in the media? That Israel was going after Hamas. More than 1000 died in the attacks. 1000 members of Hamas right? No. Of the 1000, only a few were actual Hamas. The rest? Of course you guessed it. Civilians. Men, women and children. Bombed schools. Hospitals. Hundreds of dead kids. Did anyone come to Gaza's defense? No. All support was on Israel. Israel is our friend. Our ally. Nothing they do is wrong, just as nothing we do is wrong.And the world wonders why Palestinians are so angry. One sided treatment 24-7. I'm Mexican, not Palestinian yet i understand their struggle. Why? Because I'm human. The right to be free. The right to exist, and the pursuit of happiness.That's the right of any human being living on this earth. Key words in our Constitution and our declaration of Independence. Words that now lay forgotten in our never ending "War on Terror".Peace in the middle east is possible. But the two sides are too stubborn. Israel abuses every chance to show that its the superpower. Palestine harbors years of resentment. If one day they woke up and decided to live and let live. That would be the end. The recognition of a Jewish state AND a neighboring Palestinian state with its own right to exist. In peace, side by side, not destroying each other but helping each other. In the lands of Jesus, Moses, Mohammad, lands that these three men walked so many years ago. Tolerance. Freedom of religion, no one religion is supreme to the other. All religions and theologies beautiful in their own right. Anything is possible with peace.
A Modern Fairy Tale
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
A Modern Fairy Tale More Fit For Our Times...
The Princess and the Prince: By Me of course
Once upon a time in a kingdom far away lived a young underage princess the only daughter to a mighty king and a beautiful queen.
The princess was innocent and sweet and untouched by man. However when after 15 years of life she began to rebel. At the royal school where she was sent since she was a princess, she met other princesses and future queens who began to be a bad influence. She began to smoke the funny weeds that the princesses took out of a mysterious plastic bag.
Try it! Said the others.
OKAY! said the innocent princess, enchanted by the smell of royal pines.
At this age she began to wonder, where is my prince? She began her search until one day in the woods she met a frog.
"Kiss Me, O Princess, For I am a Handsome Prince trapped in a Frogs Body by Some Evil Witch I met On Myspace!!!"
"Ok" said the Princess, I will!. Maybe he is my future Love
So she kissed him.
So the princess slept with the Frog/Prince and it was o so magical. "
."UM YEAH I THINK WE SHOULD SEE OTHER PEOPLE" said the frog and he hopped away with a big smile on his green face.
this was followed by 40 days and 40 nights of sadness and crying in her royal bedroom. she went on Royal MySpace and blogged and bulletined about how sad she was was, love sucks, fuck love, etc.
"FUCK THAT FROG" said her friends, the other princesses. Lets hit the royal club tonight and you shall meet the man of your dreams.
"OKAY!" said the princess, smiling and hoping her Prince Charming would soon arrive.
She dressed in her finest and shortest clothes made by slaves and peasants that lived in a tree. She was not only a Royal Princess now but now she was the sluttiest looking Royal Princess in all the land!.So off she went to the Royal Club with her princess friends. They drank and drank and drank till they could drink no more!
In her drunken stupor the princess saw this gallant knight arrive on a white horse with shiny spinning horseshoes. yes this prince had a pimped out horse. He stepped off his pimped out tricked out horse and went straight for her
"My lady, good evening, I am Prince Charming, would you care to dance?"
So they got Low and she danced with him to the wall, till the sweat ran down his balls. She was struck at how handsome he was with his cornrows and grill. Surely this was a man of class.They hooked up and for months they lived happy, riding his tricked out horse and carriage.
He would perform stunts in order to impress his fair lady. Ocassionaly he would also invite her to his castle where he and his Prince friends would do their royal duties, such as drink beer and smoke the funny herbs that smelled like Pine. O what fun times indeed!.
Then came a funny feeling in her stomach. Then she grew sicker and sicker in the morning. Then her royal hoochie clothes no longer fit her. O no what is happening to her she thought. Perhaps I should stop drinking Wine! I am growing large with wine!
9 months later she had a child, the future heir to the throne.Prince Charming was ecstatic. Until one day the Princess caught Prince Charming with a wench, the dirty town Whore.
"How dare thee do this to me, the Princess?!" she exclaimed!
"Its not what you think! It was an accident" replied the brave Prince Charming, risking a kick to his Royal balls.
So the Princess, ran to her royal chambers and cried and cried along with her newborn who also cried and cried. Then she went on Myspace and posted "fuck love and fuck Prince Charming." All her Royal Friends advised on her on what to do, they all consulted her with their wisdom: "Fuck him! Forget Him! Leave Him!" they would say.
"NO! I LOVE HIM!" she would yell insistently.One day Prince Charming came to her house and apologized for the "accident" of sleeping with the village Whore".
"Okay Baby" said the Princess, as she embraced and kissed Prince Charming.
"It will never happen again" he reassured her.
So they got back together. And were happy for 40 days and 40 nights. Then she grew sick again and once again bore another child. After that Prince Charming slapped her in a fit of anger from drinking too much wine and smoking too much herbs from the King's Forest. She cried and cried but forgave him. After all he was Prince Charming.
"Oh how happy i am with my prince" she said as she was being taken to the hospital after the beating....
The End.
A Modern Fairy Tale More Fit For Our Times...
The Princess and the Prince: By Me of course
Once upon a time in a kingdom far away lived a young underage princess the only daughter to a mighty king and a beautiful queen.
The princess was innocent and sweet and untouched by man. However when after 15 years of life she began to rebel. At the royal school where she was sent since she was a princess, she met other princesses and future queens who began to be a bad influence. She began to smoke the funny weeds that the princesses took out of a mysterious plastic bag.
Try it! Said the others.
OKAY! said the innocent princess, enchanted by the smell of royal pines.
At this age she began to wonder, where is my prince? She began her search until one day in the woods she met a frog.
"Kiss Me, O Princess, For I am a Handsome Prince trapped in a Frogs Body by Some Evil Witch I met On Myspace!!!"
"Ok" said the Princess, I will!. Maybe he is my future Love
So she kissed him.
So the princess slept with the Frog/Prince and it was o so magical. "
."UM YEAH I THINK WE SHOULD SEE OTHER PEOPLE" said the frog and he hopped away with a big smile on his green face.
this was followed by 40 days and 40 nights of sadness and crying in her royal bedroom. she went on Royal MySpace and blogged and bulletined about how sad she was was, love sucks, fuck love, etc.
"FUCK THAT FROG" said her friends, the other princesses. Lets hit the royal club tonight and you shall meet the man of your dreams.
"OKAY!" said the princess, smiling and hoping her Prince Charming would soon arrive.
She dressed in her finest and shortest clothes made by slaves and peasants that lived in a tree. She was not only a Royal Princess now but now she was the sluttiest looking Royal Princess in all the land!.So off she went to the Royal Club with her princess friends. They drank and drank and drank till they could drink no more!
In her drunken stupor the princess saw this gallant knight arrive on a white horse with shiny spinning horseshoes. yes this prince had a pimped out horse. He stepped off his pimped out tricked out horse and went straight for her
"My lady, good evening, I am Prince Charming, would you care to dance?"
So they got Low and she danced with him to the wall, till the sweat ran down his balls. She was struck at how handsome he was with his cornrows and grill. Surely this was a man of class.They hooked up and for months they lived happy, riding his tricked out horse and carriage.
He would perform stunts in order to impress his fair lady. Ocassionaly he would also invite her to his castle where he and his Prince friends would do their royal duties, such as drink beer and smoke the funny herbs that smelled like Pine. O what fun times indeed!.
Then came a funny feeling in her stomach. Then she grew sicker and sicker in the morning. Then her royal hoochie clothes no longer fit her. O no what is happening to her she thought. Perhaps I should stop drinking Wine! I am growing large with wine!
9 months later she had a child, the future heir to the throne.Prince Charming was ecstatic. Until one day the Princess caught Prince Charming with a wench, the dirty town Whore.
"How dare thee do this to me, the Princess?!" she exclaimed!
"Its not what you think! It was an accident" replied the brave Prince Charming, risking a kick to his Royal balls.
So the Princess, ran to her royal chambers and cried and cried along with her newborn who also cried and cried. Then she went on Myspace and posted "fuck love and fuck Prince Charming." All her Royal Friends advised on her on what to do, they all consulted her with their wisdom: "Fuck him! Forget Him! Leave Him!" they would say.
"NO! I LOVE HIM!" she would yell insistently.One day Prince Charming came to her house and apologized for the "accident" of sleeping with the village Whore".
"Okay Baby" said the Princess, as she embraced and kissed Prince Charming.
"It will never happen again" he reassured her.
So they got back together. And were happy for 40 days and 40 nights. Then she grew sick again and once again bore another child. After that Prince Charming slapped her in a fit of anger from drinking too much wine and smoking too much herbs from the King's Forest. She cried and cried but forgave him. After all he was Prince Charming.
"Oh how happy i am with my prince" she said as she was being taken to the hospital after the beating....
The End.
Tale of An Illegal Immigrant
Thursday, March 26, 2009
My name I will not tell you just yet. I lived in a beautiful land. A land where I lived comfortably for a while in the countryside, growing our own food as my family had done for ages. But then the man who ruled my country imposed taxes on the food and land. Then he decided to regulate my religion. He said we had to worship what they worshiped, those in power. I yearned for freedom, freedom of religion, freedom of speech. Tired of having the rich and powerful dictate how I should live and worship and think.So I met with like minded individuals, people who searched for the same basic freedoms as I. We decided to embark on a wooden boat in search of fortune and new lands. A new home to call my own. Sad and with my eyes full of tears I looked back at my homeland as it grew smaller and smaller int he horizon. Left behind were the memories and the graves of my ancestors, our humble homes abandoned to the ravages of time and wild beasts.The journey to the new land was a perilous one. Full of danger at sea. Disease. Rats in the boat. Food grew scarce. But at last after what seemed an eternity, we reached the promised land. We were met with stares by the people who lived there. People who dressed funny, and did not resemble me or any of my travel companions. I felt fear as they eyed me as an abomination they made me feel like I was a strange animal they had never seen before.My countrymen were attacked. Some were killed. Because we were different, foreigners in a strange land. We decided to strike back, we were not going to lay low and let these people attack us and kill us like mere insects. We decided to battle these people. Kill them all. The ones we couldnt kill we tried to reason with. We traded and bartered.We tricked them, deceived them. After all we had education and they were mere savages. We learned to live with them, while slowly my countrymen arrived on more boats. More of us, less of "them". This land was now ours. Free to worship. Free to govern. Free to live how we saw fit Thanks to the grace of God. And the valour of my countrymen. We conquered this pristine land and finally controlled the savages who lived hereWe are now at peace.In this Brave New World ..
why do people choose to call latinos "illegal immigrants". Maybe their definition of illegal immigrant is someone who comes to someone elses land, hurts them, and takes their jobs and seems to want to "take over". Why, that sounds awfully familiar. Isnt that what European settlers did in the 1700's? The Pilgrims? Plymouth Rock? What do we call those illegal immigrants of times past?We call them Fathers of our Country.What do we call present day immigrants?
Beaners, Ragheads, Wetbacks, Chinks
My name I will not tell you just yet. I lived in a beautiful land. A land where I lived comfortably for a while in the countryside, growing our own food as my family had done for ages. But then the man who ruled my country imposed taxes on the food and land. Then he decided to regulate my religion. He said we had to worship what they worshiped, those in power. I yearned for freedom, freedom of religion, freedom of speech. Tired of having the rich and powerful dictate how I should live and worship and think.So I met with like minded individuals, people who searched for the same basic freedoms as I. We decided to embark on a wooden boat in search of fortune and new lands. A new home to call my own. Sad and with my eyes full of tears I looked back at my homeland as it grew smaller and smaller int he horizon. Left behind were the memories and the graves of my ancestors, our humble homes abandoned to the ravages of time and wild beasts.The journey to the new land was a perilous one. Full of danger at sea. Disease. Rats in the boat. Food grew scarce. But at last after what seemed an eternity, we reached the promised land. We were met with stares by the people who lived there. People who dressed funny, and did not resemble me or any of my travel companions. I felt fear as they eyed me as an abomination they made me feel like I was a strange animal they had never seen before.My countrymen were attacked. Some were killed. Because we were different, foreigners in a strange land. We decided to strike back, we were not going to lay low and let these people attack us and kill us like mere insects. We decided to battle these people. Kill them all. The ones we couldnt kill we tried to reason with. We traded and bartered.We tricked them, deceived them. After all we had education and they were mere savages. We learned to live with them, while slowly my countrymen arrived on more boats. More of us, less of "them". This land was now ours. Free to worship. Free to govern. Free to live how we saw fit Thanks to the grace of God. And the valour of my countrymen. We conquered this pristine land and finally controlled the savages who lived hereWe are now at peace.In this Brave New World ..
why do people choose to call latinos "illegal immigrants". Maybe their definition of illegal immigrant is someone who comes to someone elses land, hurts them, and takes their jobs and seems to want to "take over". Why, that sounds awfully familiar. Isnt that what European settlers did in the 1700's? The Pilgrims? Plymouth Rock? What do we call those illegal immigrants of times past?We call them Fathers of our Country.What do we call present day immigrants?
Beaners, Ragheads, Wetbacks, Chinks
If The Shoe Fits Put It On And Walk Away
Thursday, August 28, 2008
If the shoe fit, put it on and walk away...
You out there thought you could break me right? Thought you could be smart and knock me down? What made you think that? Did you not know me? Knowing damn well who I am, and how I am and the people I roll with, you thought you could do all that and what? Thats it? Case Closed?You knew well who Im with. What made you do such foolish things? Ya wanted to knock me down but you knew I was a boss and you aint nothing but a goddamn follower bitch ass servant. Your whole life you gonna be what you are and thats nothing. A zero. Im not tooting my own horn but you of all people know I made it to where I am through hard work. Honesty. Not screwing the people that are my friends. Thats law. Never bite the hand that feeds you. Ever. All I have is my word. Take it or leave it.I may sound like a guy who runs his mouth but thats something I dont do and you know this. If i say i am the way i am and who i am is cause i MADE me who I am. I am who I am and I have who I have and I do what I do because of my style. My way of treating people. Dont envy me, envy is a sin dont you know? Judge not lest ye be judge says the Big Guy upstairs.So you did what you did. Why? Was it the smart thing to do? Do you regret it or what? Think things can get fixed? Doubt it. You know it. You know who I am. You know How I am. What made you do it? Stupidity? Yup I believe that. Everything I have and had I worked for. Nothing was handed to me. Now you wanted to take that away? Did you succeed? No. Im stronger than ever. Ill never stop being me. You know that.Foolish people you make me laugh. Think ya can bring me down? Destroy who I am? Think again. Wake up from your delirious ass dream. You aint shit and thats why you do that. You know damn well you aint shit and you want to bring me and others down. You cant though. You cant ever reach my level unless you get up early and start working. Work hard, but you dont have what it takes. round things. Balls. Nope. Think again what you did and what youre doing. You aint shit. You know it. You dont have shit. Your life is fake. Your hapiness is fake. You aint happy. You try to be others. You try to blame others, You try to destroy others.But you know what? Your own envy, your own hate, your own problems that you have...Are gonna destroy you one day.Watch.
If the shoe fit, put it on and walk away...
You out there thought you could break me right? Thought you could be smart and knock me down? What made you think that? Did you not know me? Knowing damn well who I am, and how I am and the people I roll with, you thought you could do all that and what? Thats it? Case Closed?You knew well who Im with. What made you do such foolish things? Ya wanted to knock me down but you knew I was a boss and you aint nothing but a goddamn follower bitch ass servant. Your whole life you gonna be what you are and thats nothing. A zero. Im not tooting my own horn but you of all people know I made it to where I am through hard work. Honesty. Not screwing the people that are my friends. Thats law. Never bite the hand that feeds you. Ever. All I have is my word. Take it or leave it.I may sound like a guy who runs his mouth but thats something I dont do and you know this. If i say i am the way i am and who i am is cause i MADE me who I am. I am who I am and I have who I have and I do what I do because of my style. My way of treating people. Dont envy me, envy is a sin dont you know? Judge not lest ye be judge says the Big Guy upstairs.So you did what you did. Why? Was it the smart thing to do? Do you regret it or what? Think things can get fixed? Doubt it. You know it. You know who I am. You know How I am. What made you do it? Stupidity? Yup I believe that. Everything I have and had I worked for. Nothing was handed to me. Now you wanted to take that away? Did you succeed? No. Im stronger than ever. Ill never stop being me. You know that.Foolish people you make me laugh. Think ya can bring me down? Destroy who I am? Think again. Wake up from your delirious ass dream. You aint shit and thats why you do that. You know damn well you aint shit and you want to bring me and others down. You cant though. You cant ever reach my level unless you get up early and start working. Work hard, but you dont have what it takes. round things. Balls. Nope. Think again what you did and what youre doing. You aint shit. You know it. You dont have shit. Your life is fake. Your hapiness is fake. You aint happy. You try to be others. You try to blame others, You try to destroy others.But you know what? Your own envy, your own hate, your own problems that you have...Are gonna destroy you one day.Watch.
My Ode To Fake People
Monday, September 08, 2008
You sit there and say that you're real. But you're as real as a 10 dollar Gucci Bag.You say youre a diamond but your actions prove your just a cubic zirconia.You say youre legit, but your as legit as a 3 dollar bill...To the people that I can count on ONE hand, that have been there for me and wit me thru thick and thin, I applaud you and I appreciate you like no other. You all know Im a grateful person and that I appreciate sincerity and truth and I value it like its Gold.But some people like to play games, thats all their life is, one big game. Trying to hustle the hustler. Im older. Experienced. Ive played the field, won some games, lost some games. Whatever you fakers play with me, I've played 100 times before. Think you can fool me? How? If youre as transparent as grease on paper?Keep it up. Being Honest. Oh, and real. Up to your conscience, its not up to me. Who are you really?Maybe its my fault. I keep my hopes up to high so Im constantly dissapointed. I expect or demand loyalty and respect but some people just dont know what those 2 things are...
You sit there and say that you're real. But you're as real as a 10 dollar Gucci Bag.You say youre a diamond but your actions prove your just a cubic zirconia.You say youre legit, but your as legit as a 3 dollar bill...To the people that I can count on ONE hand, that have been there for me and wit me thru thick and thin, I applaud you and I appreciate you like no other. You all know Im a grateful person and that I appreciate sincerity and truth and I value it like its Gold.But some people like to play games, thats all their life is, one big game. Trying to hustle the hustler. Im older. Experienced. Ive played the field, won some games, lost some games. Whatever you fakers play with me, I've played 100 times before. Think you can fool me? How? If youre as transparent as grease on paper?Keep it up. Being Honest. Oh, and real. Up to your conscience, its not up to me. Who are you really?Maybe its my fault. I keep my hopes up to high so Im constantly dissapointed. I expect or demand loyalty and respect but some people just dont know what those 2 things are...
Its Not Love's Fault
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Its not "fuck love" like some of you love to say. Love is pure. Love is a good concept. A beautiful feeling when u share it with the right person.NOW, the REASON why u might have issues with love is issues with the PERSON ur with, not its actually "FUCK the dumbfuck ur with and ur so called 'in love with'". Not love, problem aint wit love, its with the thug thats playing on u or the hoe thats creepin on you. Thats where the real problem lies. So time to move on and choose someone worthwhile dont ya think? Instead of spending countless hours crying, bitching, complaining, and bickering on myspace...people go out in the real world and buy a clue. Harsh words but its true, its called the real world. If a person loved u would they use u? make u cry? make u feel like shit sometimes? Ive seen people forgive sum fucked up shit, and that just makes me laugh at you. Call me an asshole I dont care, but YOU dont make it easier for yourselves. So keep playing games, see if ya win. Waste your times and lives on nobodies.You say its "love". Ha, I say its bullshit.Peace
Its not "fuck love" like some of you love to say. Love is pure. Love is a good concept. A beautiful feeling when u share it with the right person.NOW, the REASON why u might have issues with love is issues with the PERSON ur with, not its actually "FUCK the dumbfuck ur with and ur so called 'in love with'". Not love, problem aint wit love, its with the thug thats playing on u or the hoe thats creepin on you. Thats where the real problem lies. So time to move on and choose someone worthwhile dont ya think? Instead of spending countless hours crying, bitching, complaining, and bickering on myspace...people go out in the real world and buy a clue. Harsh words but its true, its called the real world. If a person loved u would they use u? make u cry? make u feel like shit sometimes? Ive seen people forgive sum fucked up shit, and that just makes me laugh at you. Call me an asshole I dont care, but YOU dont make it easier for yourselves. So keep playing games, see if ya win. Waste your times and lives on nobodies.You say its "love". Ha, I say its bullshit.Peace
Relationships Are Like A Business
Saturday, October 25, 2008
If you stop to think about it, having a relationship with a guy or a girl is like running a business in some sense. When you are in the "talking and dating" phase that is like a job interview. You want the job, you want to present yourself as a good candidate for the position, you make yourself look good and your past look good, polishing up the ol' "resume", hoping you get a call back.When you get the job, youre happy and excited and hopeful to try new things and ventures.But as often happens, once you have "the job" you tend to slack a little. Forget things. Disrespect. Argue. Call in "sick". People get too complacent. Too leniate People try to screw over the company in this case, YOU.Well what happens when you do that? In business you might get warnings. verbal or written. Then next time, termination. Simple as that.In a relationship if you fuck up plain in simple, terminated. Thats it. Pink Slip. You're gone. You decide to fuck up and slack or be slick? Thats it. You're no good to the company, take your final paycheck and go.Beg for your job back? Please o Please I have bills to pay!. Did that matter when you were slacking? And working for others behind the companys back? Thats a liability to the company. Termination should be final. Sometimes you cant come back.Dates are like business meetings. Making sure everything is running smoothly, emotionwise and physically. Making sure everything is A Ok.Dating and cupcaking in the beginning, is the job interview. Be honest, Dont lie on your resume. Dont lie about your past. One lie and your caught? Thats cheat the company, your ass will be terminated and in the worst case prosecuted.People: My advice is run your love life like a successful company. Work on things together, as a team. Build it from the ground up. Make it productive and successful. Deal with problems in a timely and professional manner. Be courteous and respectful of each other. Treat each other fairly. And never ever try to be slick, cheat or lie or defraud the company. You as the boss, of your own life and destiny decide who to promote to boyfriend, girlfriend, fiancee, husband, wife, baby daddy, mother of your children...and who to fire for lack of attendance, bad behavior, negative attitude and poor performace, no pun intended.Keep this in mind. Its never personal. Only business. Dont get hurt. Be happy. Live life. Love.
If you stop to think about it, having a relationship with a guy or a girl is like running a business in some sense. When you are in the "talking and dating" phase that is like a job interview. You want the job, you want to present yourself as a good candidate for the position, you make yourself look good and your past look good, polishing up the ol' "resume", hoping you get a call back.When you get the job, youre happy and excited and hopeful to try new things and ventures.But as often happens, once you have "the job" you tend to slack a little. Forget things. Disrespect. Argue. Call in "sick". People get too complacent. Too leniate People try to screw over the company in this case, YOU.Well what happens when you do that? In business you might get warnings. verbal or written. Then next time, termination. Simple as that.In a relationship if you fuck up plain in simple, terminated. Thats it. Pink Slip. You're gone. You decide to fuck up and slack or be slick? Thats it. You're no good to the company, take your final paycheck and go.Beg for your job back? Please o Please I have bills to pay!. Did that matter when you were slacking? And working for others behind the companys back? Thats a liability to the company. Termination should be final. Sometimes you cant come back.Dates are like business meetings. Making sure everything is running smoothly, emotionwise and physically. Making sure everything is A Ok.Dating and cupcaking in the beginning, is the job interview. Be honest, Dont lie on your resume. Dont lie about your past. One lie and your caught? Thats cheat the company, your ass will be terminated and in the worst case prosecuted.People: My advice is run your love life like a successful company. Work on things together, as a team. Build it from the ground up. Make it productive and successful. Deal with problems in a timely and professional manner. Be courteous and respectful of each other. Treat each other fairly. And never ever try to be slick, cheat or lie or defraud the company. You as the boss, of your own life and destiny decide who to promote to boyfriend, girlfriend, fiancee, husband, wife, baby daddy, mother of your children...and who to fire for lack of attendance, bad behavior, negative attitude and poor performace, no pun intended.Keep this in mind. Its never personal. Only business. Dont get hurt. Be happy. Live life. Love.
Barack Obama
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Now that he is up 50 percent and probably that he has more than enough electoral votes to get elected the next president of the US (according to CNN), people want to hate. People have been hating.Ok, Obama is an undercover Muslim. Seriously? This isn't Manchurian Candidate, its not Hollywood guys. So his middle name is Hussein? So fucking what. Its a common middle eastern name like Jose or Juan. So? Oh that reminds people of Saddam Hussein, therefore Obama is evil. Ok so now all Juans and Joses are evil? Because of a common name that has Arab connotations? Hussein I believe means king or something, correct me if im wrong, Arab friends. Ok and lets say he WERE to be Muslim. Is that a bad thing now? Oh wait, all Muslims are terrorists right? Wrong.Are Christians not terrorists as well? Anyone remember the Sabra and Chatila refugee camp massacres in Lebanon? Of course not, that was before any of us were born. September 1982. Thousands of Palestinian refugees murdered. By Christian and Jewish militias from Israel. So are all Muslims terrorists? Not all. Islam is a religion, not a terrorist way of life. Christians kill Muslims. Anyone study the Crusades? What was that about? Look it up on Wikipedia. But Christians are not terrorists. Christianity is a religion. But there are a few fucknuts that wanna fuck it up for everyone. In Christianity and Islam and any other religion in the world. So no, Barack Obama is not a Muslim nor a terrorist.Next point: Obama doesn't have experience. He served 8 years on the Illinois senate, serving his home state. Two years in the US senate. How much experience does Sarah Palin have as Governor of Alaska? How much experience did GWB have as Governor of Texas and being HW Bush's lil boy? He served 2 terms, 8 years, running this country. Look at it. Worst economic situation since the Great Depression. Anyone remember learning that in school? Selling cars for one hundred bucks. Thousands homeless and jobless...Apples 5 cents. Way too expensive.John McCain agreed with our supreme leader Bush 95 percent of the time. John McCain yells FUCK YOU to whoever opposes him on the Floor. He has a well known and well documented bad temper. Does that qualify him to be Commander In Chief? So he has a bad day and he's going to want to blow Iran and Syria off the face of the planet and turn North Korea into a peninsula? Hm.Sarah Palin is ignorant. She cant name a single newspaper she reads to Katie Couric. Because she reads them all. Gosh Golly Sarah, If i read that much I wouldn't know the names of the papers either. She believes its our Godly duty to go to Iraq and give those heathens Democracy. Gung HO! Who is she? Chuck Norris? Shes a gun nut who likes to go hunting. Shes also pro War. Im pro War as well, when we have reasons to go to War. Not because we dislike a country or their government or we want something precious they have. Thousands die for what? Oil? Weapons of Mass Destruction? Where is Bin Laden? Shouldnt Our War have been with him? Not Afghanistan? Not Iraq? Not the civilians cut down with our bombs and bullets.Do we need another four years of Republicans in the White House? More War? More Death? More spending money doing stupid things? Having the world against us? We tried their way for EIGHT YEARS. Did it work? Are we living in a terror free utopia? There was terrorism in the sixties, seventies, eighties, nineties, and now. And there will be, as long as there are religious nuts out there. We cant help it, cant avoid it. So do we need to declare war on Syria? Iran? Iraq again? Why not Israel then? Don't they kill Palestinians every day? Don't they force them off their lands? I mean Israel doesn't seem like all that nice. Wait no, they are allies. Nevermind.Ok So Obama isnt a terrorist. WAIT! Hes friends with that guy who was in the Weather Underground, a domestic terrorist group responsible for bombings in the sixties and seventies. That guy is now a professor at the University of Chicago. Obama has close ties to him! *gasp*. OBAMA IS A MURDERER!Wait, lets see now. The Bush family is friends with the Bin Ladin Corporation in Saudi Arabia. Anyone remember that name? Hm, sound familiar?. Elder Bush was friends wit Manuel A. Noriega of Panama. He was a murderous dictator, who called HW Bush buddy ol' pal. Until he ran afoul of him, then Elder Bush sent his ass to jail. Bad Noriega! Bad!Some accuse Obama of being a "socialist" or a "Marxist". Ok so these words conjure up visions of a cold gray depressed and repressed Soviet Union, dudes in uniforms marching down Red Square and tanks crushing demonstrators in China.Does anyone really know what Marxism is? Its a good idea. A classless society where everyone is equal and the same, redistribution of wealth. There are no rich people stepping on your neck and whipping you to produce their stuff that they will sell at outrageous prices. Is that communism? Nope thats capitalism.Look at why communism seems bad. BECAUSE THE SOCIETIES THAT HAVE PRACTICED IT HAVE NOT DONE IT RIGHT! They keep their people poor uneducated and fucked, so they dont rise up against them.Im in no way a communist nor a socialist nor a marxist. Im merely stating what those words mean. Imagine a society where everyone is the same, not rich nor poor, but wealthy and stable, happy, living lives, and working. Or a society where EVERYONE is rich, and poverty is a thing of the past. Anything wrong with that?No more unemployment. No more select few running the money and hoarding the money spending 100,000 on designer clothing (Sarah Palin). Everyone has a home, food, a car, and a job. Ah, Bliss.But no, Barack Obama is not a commie. He's an American Democrat running for President.Whats happening now? Unemployment is up. Economy is going down more than Monica Lewinsky and Foreclosures are up up up! Its a Wonderful Life.So Obama was a mere tot when that dude was a radical and setting bombs. So? Now the "terrorist" is a professor. I didn't know prestigious American universities hired ex terrorists to teach. Wheres the Unabomber? maybe he can teach Philosophy at UC Berkeley? So if Obama is friends with him does that mean they sit in the guys living room plotting attacks while drinking Heineken? Doubtful. Dude has term papers to grade and Obama has campaigning to do.Know who was friends with terrorists? Ronald Reagan. The Iran Contra scandal of the eighties. The US gave guns to Iranian terrorist organizations, used that money to fund the pro US Contras in Nicaragua and in exchange got Cocaine for the happy US consumers. Who oversaw all that? Col Oliver North. Where is he now? Got his own talk show, War Stories with Ollie North on FOX News.But wait, Enrique you asshole! Obama is pals with mobsters and gangsters! Who in Washington isn't a mobster or a gangster or just plain corrupt? Who isn't a pal with a mobster or gangster?BUT HE HAS DONE DRUGS! HE SAID SO HIMSELF! Don't be naive. Who hasn't tried drugs? He running for President not fucking Pope. Clinton smoked weed and got head. GWB snorted cocaine and was an alcoholic. As long as he doesn't do that shit now its all good, people.So why do people want to hate on Barack Hussein Obama? He has a Arabic middle name? *gasp* He is friends with "terrorists"? *scream* He has "no experience"? Another ex president with so called "little experience": Abraham Lincoln. Last time I checked he was pretty good. Freed the slaves and what not. Until he got shot.He had more experience than Hillary Clinton and remember how everyone was HILLARY! HILLARY! HILLARY!. Oh maybe because she was white?That is impossible. Because America in the 21st century isn't racist anymore
Now that he is up 50 percent and probably that he has more than enough electoral votes to get elected the next president of the US (according to CNN), people want to hate. People have been hating.Ok, Obama is an undercover Muslim. Seriously? This isn't Manchurian Candidate, its not Hollywood guys. So his middle name is Hussein? So fucking what. Its a common middle eastern name like Jose or Juan. So? Oh that reminds people of Saddam Hussein, therefore Obama is evil. Ok so now all Juans and Joses are evil? Because of a common name that has Arab connotations? Hussein I believe means king or something, correct me if im wrong, Arab friends. Ok and lets say he WERE to be Muslim. Is that a bad thing now? Oh wait, all Muslims are terrorists right? Wrong.Are Christians not terrorists as well? Anyone remember the Sabra and Chatila refugee camp massacres in Lebanon? Of course not, that was before any of us were born. September 1982. Thousands of Palestinian refugees murdered. By Christian and Jewish militias from Israel. So are all Muslims terrorists? Not all. Islam is a religion, not a terrorist way of life. Christians kill Muslims. Anyone study the Crusades? What was that about? Look it up on Wikipedia. But Christians are not terrorists. Christianity is a religion. But there are a few fucknuts that wanna fuck it up for everyone. In Christianity and Islam and any other religion in the world. So no, Barack Obama is not a Muslim nor a terrorist.Next point: Obama doesn't have experience. He served 8 years on the Illinois senate, serving his home state. Two years in the US senate. How much experience does Sarah Palin have as Governor of Alaska? How much experience did GWB have as Governor of Texas and being HW Bush's lil boy? He served 2 terms, 8 years, running this country. Look at it. Worst economic situation since the Great Depression. Anyone remember learning that in school? Selling cars for one hundred bucks. Thousands homeless and jobless...Apples 5 cents. Way too expensive.John McCain agreed with our supreme leader Bush 95 percent of the time. John McCain yells FUCK YOU to whoever opposes him on the Floor. He has a well known and well documented bad temper. Does that qualify him to be Commander In Chief? So he has a bad day and he's going to want to blow Iran and Syria off the face of the planet and turn North Korea into a peninsula? Hm.Sarah Palin is ignorant. She cant name a single newspaper she reads to Katie Couric. Because she reads them all. Gosh Golly Sarah, If i read that much I wouldn't know the names of the papers either. She believes its our Godly duty to go to Iraq and give those heathens Democracy. Gung HO! Who is she? Chuck Norris? Shes a gun nut who likes to go hunting. Shes also pro War. Im pro War as well, when we have reasons to go to War. Not because we dislike a country or their government or we want something precious they have. Thousands die for what? Oil? Weapons of Mass Destruction? Where is Bin Laden? Shouldnt Our War have been with him? Not Afghanistan? Not Iraq? Not the civilians cut down with our bombs and bullets.Do we need another four years of Republicans in the White House? More War? More Death? More spending money doing stupid things? Having the world against us? We tried their way for EIGHT YEARS. Did it work? Are we living in a terror free utopia? There was terrorism in the sixties, seventies, eighties, nineties, and now. And there will be, as long as there are religious nuts out there. We cant help it, cant avoid it. So do we need to declare war on Syria? Iran? Iraq again? Why not Israel then? Don't they kill Palestinians every day? Don't they force them off their lands? I mean Israel doesn't seem like all that nice. Wait no, they are allies. Nevermind.Ok So Obama isnt a terrorist. WAIT! Hes friends with that guy who was in the Weather Underground, a domestic terrorist group responsible for bombings in the sixties and seventies. That guy is now a professor at the University of Chicago. Obama has close ties to him! *gasp*. OBAMA IS A MURDERER!Wait, lets see now. The Bush family is friends with the Bin Ladin Corporation in Saudi Arabia. Anyone remember that name? Hm, sound familiar?. Elder Bush was friends wit Manuel A. Noriega of Panama. He was a murderous dictator, who called HW Bush buddy ol' pal. Until he ran afoul of him, then Elder Bush sent his ass to jail. Bad Noriega! Bad!Some accuse Obama of being a "socialist" or a "Marxist". Ok so these words conjure up visions of a cold gray depressed and repressed Soviet Union, dudes in uniforms marching down Red Square and tanks crushing demonstrators in China.Does anyone really know what Marxism is? Its a good idea. A classless society where everyone is equal and the same, redistribution of wealth. There are no rich people stepping on your neck and whipping you to produce their stuff that they will sell at outrageous prices. Is that communism? Nope thats capitalism.Look at why communism seems bad. BECAUSE THE SOCIETIES THAT HAVE PRACTICED IT HAVE NOT DONE IT RIGHT! They keep their people poor uneducated and fucked, so they dont rise up against them.Im in no way a communist nor a socialist nor a marxist. Im merely stating what those words mean. Imagine a society where everyone is the same, not rich nor poor, but wealthy and stable, happy, living lives, and working. Or a society where EVERYONE is rich, and poverty is a thing of the past. Anything wrong with that?No more unemployment. No more select few running the money and hoarding the money spending 100,000 on designer clothing (Sarah Palin). Everyone has a home, food, a car, and a job. Ah, Bliss.But no, Barack Obama is not a commie. He's an American Democrat running for President.Whats happening now? Unemployment is up. Economy is going down more than Monica Lewinsky and Foreclosures are up up up! Its a Wonderful Life.So Obama was a mere tot when that dude was a radical and setting bombs. So? Now the "terrorist" is a professor. I didn't know prestigious American universities hired ex terrorists to teach. Wheres the Unabomber? maybe he can teach Philosophy at UC Berkeley? So if Obama is friends with him does that mean they sit in the guys living room plotting attacks while drinking Heineken? Doubtful. Dude has term papers to grade and Obama has campaigning to do.Know who was friends with terrorists? Ronald Reagan. The Iran Contra scandal of the eighties. The US gave guns to Iranian terrorist organizations, used that money to fund the pro US Contras in Nicaragua and in exchange got Cocaine for the happy US consumers. Who oversaw all that? Col Oliver North. Where is he now? Got his own talk show, War Stories with Ollie North on FOX News.But wait, Enrique you asshole! Obama is pals with mobsters and gangsters! Who in Washington isn't a mobster or a gangster or just plain corrupt? Who isn't a pal with a mobster or gangster?BUT HE HAS DONE DRUGS! HE SAID SO HIMSELF! Don't be naive. Who hasn't tried drugs? He running for President not fucking Pope. Clinton smoked weed and got head. GWB snorted cocaine and was an alcoholic. As long as he doesn't do that shit now its all good, people.So why do people want to hate on Barack Hussein Obama? He has a Arabic middle name? *gasp* He is friends with "terrorists"? *scream* He has "no experience"? Another ex president with so called "little experience": Abraham Lincoln. Last time I checked he was pretty good. Freed the slaves and what not. Until he got shot.He had more experience than Hillary Clinton and remember how everyone was HILLARY! HILLARY! HILLARY!. Oh maybe because she was white?That is impossible. Because America in the 21st century isn't racist anymore
Opening My Eyes
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
More than Often we go through life doing things, saying things and hearing things. And we dont put much importance to them. Or our actions. We might treat some good, we might treat others poorly. And we think nothing of it. It takes certain things and certain events to make one realize perhaps, that one has been acting rather poorly or unfairly to the people we encounter in life. Some might hold us in high regard, others might wish us a most horrible death.
Sometimes we go through life helping others when we cannot help ourselves. Hypocritically giving out advice like its candy when we cannot even feed ourselves, to put it metaphorically. We speak of things we hate, when we sometimes become the things we hate. We hurt people and we touch others. Thats life and everyone has encountered that, someone has either hurt us or we have hurt someone the way we have been hurt. Maybe because we were young of mind, childish at the time, who knows. Only later do we realize, in a way to put it in the words of famous comedian Dave Chappelle "Dayum...I fucked up!"
The important thing is to treat all people the way we want to be treated. Honesty, Respect and Loyalty. Without those things we are dirty, scandalous, shady people of ill repute. En espanol, cuando se escupe para arriba, muy pronto te ha de caer en la cara. In english, what goes around comes around. Its life. Karma.
Sometimes it takes weeks to realize the errors of our ways, sometimes years. But its important that we realize and we accept when we have failed and done bad, and make our best effort to remedy it if possible. Friendships are lost, Relationships destroyed, Families broken up, all over drama and BS. Is it worth it? No.
More than Often we go through life doing things, saying things and hearing things. And we dont put much importance to them. Or our actions. We might treat some good, we might treat others poorly. And we think nothing of it. It takes certain things and certain events to make one realize perhaps, that one has been acting rather poorly or unfairly to the people we encounter in life. Some might hold us in high regard, others might wish us a most horrible death.
Sometimes we go through life helping others when we cannot help ourselves. Hypocritically giving out advice like its candy when we cannot even feed ourselves, to put it metaphorically. We speak of things we hate, when we sometimes become the things we hate. We hurt people and we touch others. Thats life and everyone has encountered that, someone has either hurt us or we have hurt someone the way we have been hurt. Maybe because we were young of mind, childish at the time, who knows. Only later do we realize, in a way to put it in the words of famous comedian Dave Chappelle "Dayum...I fucked up!"
The important thing is to treat all people the way we want to be treated. Honesty, Respect and Loyalty. Without those things we are dirty, scandalous, shady people of ill repute. En espanol, cuando se escupe para arriba, muy pronto te ha de caer en la cara. In english, what goes around comes around. Its life. Karma.
Sometimes it takes weeks to realize the errors of our ways, sometimes years. But its important that we realize and we accept when we have failed and done bad, and make our best effort to remedy it if possible. Friendships are lost, Relationships destroyed, Families broken up, all over drama and BS. Is it worth it? No.
Things I Saw On My Trip To Cancun/Yucatan
Thursday, July 03, 2008
These are just some things that I saw on my trip to Cancun.
- Stupid drunk white kids, 17 or 18 years old
-White kid drunk walking on the middle of Blvd Kukulkan at 3 am with his back to traffic
- Shitload of Iguanas at Chichen Itza
- Old ass Mayan ruins
- Mexican bus driver drinking a Corona at our rest stop (waaat?!)
- White kids going dumb and Mexicans just laughing at them for going dumb
- Prostitutes
- Prostitute catalog in a folder, mucho cheap lol
- Lovely brown sky of Mexico City
- 15 dollar shrimp cocktails
-Angry Mexicans
- Cops bored and chilling in front of Yucatan State Prison - Valladolid
-Torre Mayor, Mexico City - Latin Americas tallest skyscraper
-Chapultepec Castle, Mexico City - from the sky
- PEMEX skyscraper, Mexico City - from the sky
- A strange red light flying too fuckin close to my plane, (Aeromexico, Cancun-Mexico City) what the fuck was it?? who knows...this was after my third beer.
- 4 foot tall Mexicans trying to sell me stuff, i felt like Land of the Giants aint that a bitch hahaha
- Stupid kid buried in the sand to his head, too close to the ocean, D'OH!
- fine ass go go dancers at the club
- Michael Jackson and Freddie Mercury, one dead, the other Living Dead. What they were doing in Cancun? I have no idea nor do I ask questions...
- I learned even if its cloudy you will still get sunburnt as fuck.
- two Starbucks, 100 feet from each other (Mexico City airport)
-I learned that white kids from the OC think Malibu Cocunut is hard alcohol like Everclear or something...
-White kids yelling "panocha!" on a crowded city bus will merit a fucking ass whopping...
-stars are bigger and brighter at 2 am in the morning on the beach
- I learned that Mexico City airport was designed by an autistic 5 year old with ADHD (most confusing airport ever).
- Mexicans + Alcohol = need to fight.
- My mayan tour guide in Yucatan sounded like Borat (in mayan pyramids, iss niiice, you go too hotels and have the fun timess!)
-Mayans dont pay taxes...ever...lucky bastards
- A bidet.
- A shower that could probably hold 6 people
-my pilot cross himself before he got on the plane (Aeromexico, Cancun-Mexico City) - is that a good sign??? Way to make me feel NOT nervous.
- Beer is free on all Mexican domestic flights...fuck yeah
These are just some things that I saw on my trip to Cancun.
- Stupid drunk white kids, 17 or 18 years old
-White kid drunk walking on the middle of Blvd Kukulkan at 3 am with his back to traffic
- Shitload of Iguanas at Chichen Itza
- Old ass Mayan ruins
- Mexican bus driver drinking a Corona at our rest stop (waaat?!)
- White kids going dumb and Mexicans just laughing at them for going dumb
- Prostitutes
- Prostitute catalog in a folder, mucho cheap lol
- Lovely brown sky of Mexico City
- 15 dollar shrimp cocktails
-Angry Mexicans
- Cops bored and chilling in front of Yucatan State Prison - Valladolid
-Torre Mayor, Mexico City - Latin Americas tallest skyscraper
-Chapultepec Castle, Mexico City - from the sky
- PEMEX skyscraper, Mexico City - from the sky
- A strange red light flying too fuckin close to my plane, (Aeromexico, Cancun-Mexico City) what the fuck was it?? who knows...this was after my third beer.
- 4 foot tall Mexicans trying to sell me stuff, i felt like Land of the Giants aint that a bitch hahaha
- Stupid kid buried in the sand to his head, too close to the ocean, D'OH!
- fine ass go go dancers at the club
- Michael Jackson and Freddie Mercury, one dead, the other Living Dead. What they were doing in Cancun? I have no idea nor do I ask questions...
- I learned even if its cloudy you will still get sunburnt as fuck.
- two Starbucks, 100 feet from each other (Mexico City airport)
-I learned that white kids from the OC think Malibu Cocunut is hard alcohol like Everclear or something...
-White kids yelling "panocha!" on a crowded city bus will merit a fucking ass whopping...
-stars are bigger and brighter at 2 am in the morning on the beach
- I learned that Mexico City airport was designed by an autistic 5 year old with ADHD (most confusing airport ever).
- Mexicans + Alcohol = need to fight.
- My mayan tour guide in Yucatan sounded like Borat (in mayan pyramids, iss niiice, you go too hotels and have the fun timess!)
-Mayans dont pay taxes...ever...lucky bastards
- A bidet.
- A shower that could probably hold 6 people
-my pilot cross himself before he got on the plane (Aeromexico, Cancun-Mexico City) - is that a good sign??? Way to make me feel NOT nervous.
- Beer is free on all Mexican domestic flights...fuck yeah
The Blind One
Monday, July 07, 2008
In life I have met many people that I choose to call "The Blind One". I choose to call them Blind as to not vulgarly call them other words that would probably be more appropos and fitting to their personality. Here are some that come to mind: Stupid, Retarded, Naive, Dumb, Ignorant etc. This person dubbed the "Blind One" goes through life believing every spoonful of bullshit fed to her (or him, yes there are dumb ass guys out there too). Girls and guys that choose to stay in fucked up situations. Picture this: You are 4 years old, you see the oven on. A nice pretty blue flame. OOOO you say, maybe I will touch the pretty blue flame. "@#$@@#$!!" you exclaim, said pretty flame just burned the shit out of you. Pain, Tears. Ok never again will I fall for that shit again, pretty blue flames hurt...So you never do that again right? WRONG. There are people out there, that see blue flames, think theyre pretty even though they burn the shit out of you and cause you pain and tears. Instead of walking away and turning on the TV to watch Go Diego Go, they stay at the oven. Burning themselves time and time again. When asked why? "Well the flame is pretty and blue"...shocking right? Years ago I used to know someone. She constantly got cheated on. Pushed around. Treated like crap. Well now she is hapilly married with the guy. Same shit goes on. Same shit, different day. The Blind one will seek good relationships and companionships and oftentimes they will find them. Something good. But the Blind one tends to be scared of good things. These good things are foreign to him and her. They tend to destroy the good thing, self destruct and push everything away in favor of something mediocre and pointless. Here the Blind One feels at ease and completely happy. Naivete rules. Ignorance reigns. Maybe lots of you know people that are like the Blind One. A cousin perhaps? A Best Friend? Maybe YOU are the blind one. Doubt you would call yourself a Blind One though because more than often the Blind One NEVER recognizes that they have a problem. All is good in the hood, to them. If you tell them their man or girl is blatantly cheating on them "No theyre not, they love me". As I said, Stupidity rules over their judgement. So if you encounter a Blind One, guide them through the darkness so that one day, maybe not today, not tomorrow, but someday, they see the light
In life I have met many people that I choose to call "The Blind One". I choose to call them Blind as to not vulgarly call them other words that would probably be more appropos and fitting to their personality. Here are some that come to mind: Stupid, Retarded, Naive, Dumb, Ignorant etc. This person dubbed the "Blind One" goes through life believing every spoonful of bullshit fed to her (or him, yes there are dumb ass guys out there too). Girls and guys that choose to stay in fucked up situations. Picture this: You are 4 years old, you see the oven on. A nice pretty blue flame. OOOO you say, maybe I will touch the pretty blue flame. "@#$@@#$!!" you exclaim, said pretty flame just burned the shit out of you. Pain, Tears. Ok never again will I fall for that shit again, pretty blue flames hurt...So you never do that again right? WRONG. There are people out there, that see blue flames, think theyre pretty even though they burn the shit out of you and cause you pain and tears. Instead of walking away and turning on the TV to watch Go Diego Go, they stay at the oven. Burning themselves time and time again. When asked why? "Well the flame is pretty and blue"...shocking right? Years ago I used to know someone. She constantly got cheated on. Pushed around. Treated like crap. Well now she is hapilly married with the guy. Same shit goes on. Same shit, different day. The Blind one will seek good relationships and companionships and oftentimes they will find them. Something good. But the Blind one tends to be scared of good things. These good things are foreign to him and her. They tend to destroy the good thing, self destruct and push everything away in favor of something mediocre and pointless. Here the Blind One feels at ease and completely happy. Naivete rules. Ignorance reigns. Maybe lots of you know people that are like the Blind One. A cousin perhaps? A Best Friend? Maybe YOU are the blind one. Doubt you would call yourself a Blind One though because more than often the Blind One NEVER recognizes that they have a problem. All is good in the hood, to them. If you tell them their man or girl is blatantly cheating on them "No theyre not, they love me". As I said, Stupidity rules over their judgement. So if you encounter a Blind One, guide them through the darkness so that one day, maybe not today, not tomorrow, but someday, they see the light
Random Facts About Me
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Random Facts About Me U Wish You Knew
*Im Left Handed in a lot of things. What? Find out!
*Enrique hates old drivers
*He hates people that drive 55 on the freeway, makes him wish he drove a bulldozer
*He is actually not an asshole, hes a nice guy, then he wakes up in the morning and he is an asshole...
*He Enjoys putting out oil fires by peeing on them
*I have never broken a bone. Ever.
*Contrary to popular belief that Enrique is a paisa ass mothafucker, his great great great grandpa was french.
*I speak french, read and write it but i speak it fucked up so never ask me to speak it...
*Favorite Beers: Pacifico, Modelo, Corona, Tecate. In the order
*favorite tequilas: Centenario, Cazadores, Patron, Jimador, in no order, all mixed up with Squirt! wooo!
*I was deathly afraid of carnaval clowns will i was 7 years old. Now theyre just creepy and serial killer-ish.
*My first car was a navy blue 1992 Ford Escort. Blue?!?! you say?!?! Yes, Blue.
*Most ordered Item and Jack in the Box: Number 6
*Number One Enemy in the World: Onions*Number Two Enemy in the World: Carlos Mencia
*Thoughts on stupid girls: "They need to be put inside a locked bus and pushed into a rain filled canal"On Politics: "Bush sucks butt holes"
* I talk entirely too much shit, people know that
*Im way smarter than I look. I could read at 4 years old.
*No im not a wetback, I was born in Berkeley.
*Number One music played in my car: Banda. Dont like it? Write a formal complaint to: Kiss my fucking Ass.
*My mom calls me Negro. Why? She doesnt know.
*To shoot Im left handed, to play a guitar left, to write, right handed, to color, left handed.
* I read books with no pictures in them, but i like to draw pictures in them.
*When I was five I danced el Jarabe Tapatio in Kindgergarden. Im still traumatized.
*Been almost arrested by not the police but close: A LAPD police chopper with a sniper focused on me and others...
* I Love tacos de tripa (fried cow intestine, mm)
*Beer does NOT cure my hangover. Makes me throw up more.
*Is a devout Catholic when faced with adversity and sticky situations
*Hates moronic girls with no self respect and knowledge.
*corridos are the shit.
*people hate me and like me because im a smartass.
*I have my tongue pierced.
* I have 4 tattoos, soon to be more
*I have 8 last names. Im Mexican, try to guess them all and win 1,000,000 pesos.
*Contrary to popular belief, not all Mexicans can swim, I cant. However I can clib a fence and a tree.
*Contrary to what people have said, I do NOT salute the Mexican flag every morning and sing the National Anthem out loud.
*Only things i trust are mis huevos cabrones. No, seriously.
* I was a Lego Maniac when I was little. Still Am. Haha
*favorite hobby: stabbing girls with my penis. Joke.
*i still play in Mc Donalds playgrounds, I dont care what the manager says.
*according to some, I hold conversations with toilets when Im drunk
*when im drunk im so nice, i make Mother Teresa seem like a mass murderer.
*i like anything mafia related. books, movies etc.
*i quote movies all the time and it annoys ppl.
*i argue too much with people and Im always right.
*i would make a good lawyer but im afraid of public speaking.
*I love opera. I had a wonderful operatic voice till puberty hit and now i sound like a cat being painfully tortured.
* I have OCD to a less extent than some. I only eat vegetables cut into small pieces NEVER BIG...and I only eat the Doritos with hella powder on them (Spicy Nacho n Cool Ranch). You call that crazy? I call it unique. : )
* I always watch a movie before falling asleep at night. If I dont I cant sleep.
*I dream in color, and they have plots, characters, drama, suspense, action. I dream historical dreams, action dreams, horror dreams...I think maybe cause I watch movies before sleeping...
*Im the first one in my family to graduate High School.
*I hate novelas. Mexican novelas. Other novelas might be ok.
*Even though I have been mistaken for a Fresa, I think the Fresa subculture has to dissapear from the face of the earth, I blame it for Mexico still being a third world country when it has the potential to be a First World Country...why? Dont ask me.
*Even though I love corridos, I hate Los Amos de Nuevo Leon y los Inkietos. Any pendejo can sing about snorting coke and smoking crystal... I took a shit earlier doesnt mean ima make a corrido called "Desmadre en el Bano"
* I like old school corridos and narco corridos. Not the stupid shit nowadays that talks about being high all the time... Drug addiction is not to be glamourized pendejos. Dont get high off your own product, bestias.
*I hate Fox News and Lou Dobbs. Im surprised these people have jobs really. I want a job where I can blame Obama and Mexicans for the Holocaust and World War My nina Aurelia shot Kennedy. she told me.
*Drink at the club: Long Island Iced Tea
*Drink at your moms house: Tequila, Coke, Sal y Limon.
*Im deaf in both ears and people don't believe me. Not entirely but yeah u get it.
*Doctors gave me 2 weeks to live when I was born. That was in July 1984. December 2008 and I'm still here causando desmadre...
*I have a hole in my heart that can possibly kill me. But Doctors say I should live my life and not be
*Im addicted to Altoids Mints the tiny ones.
*I love Clam Chowder. In a can or a bread bowl in Fishermans Wharf in SF.
*When I have money I will have a bidet cause I think wiping my ass is a waste of my time
*When I have money I will also have a water fountain but instead of water it will have Micheladas
*When I have money I will employ Mexicans to do my various tasks. And every month I will reward them with a carne asada picnic at the park wit a lil 3 guy band that play norteno and corridos..Every Month. Whether they like it or not..
.*Sometime before im 95 years old I will own a nightclub.
* I like to save peoples relationships yet cannot save any of my own.
*I love to listen and offer advice. Yet no one listens to me.
*Somewhere in a beach in Puerto Vallarta, there is a bracelet with my name on it, buried in the sand.
*I love Lions. Its my favorite Animal. Guess Why?
*I love cock fights (no not the gay ones, the rooster ones) and horses.
*I hate the Kay Jewelry commercials (guy gives girl a diamond and she kisses him and falls in love with him. Anybody see something wrong here?) Lesson: Give a girl a diamond and she will love u forever. No, no, no, no she isnt a gold digging bitch*ahem*....likes Diamonds.....yeah.
*Most awesome conversation I ever heard between 2 ppl: Girl: "my bf had a little dick, he sucked. we broke up". Guy: "can i fuck you with my huge dick? You will like it. Then ill throw you out like the bitch u are. Act like a bitch, get treated like one". Girl: "ugh ur mean". --- LMAO....OWNED!
* I have almost died on 2 occasions: Near fatal drowning when I was 11, and a car accident in 2006.
*I love Coca Cola. Especially Mexican Coca Cola.
*Burger King is my favorite. I always have it My Way.
*I absolutely hate Walnut Creek and everything in it and I will only go there when I absolutely have to.
* Im always chewing on a toothpick. For some reason it annoys some people.
*Ive seen the Mona Lisa at the Louvre. Its really small.
*I never wear the same facial hairstyle more than 3 weeks.
*Ramiro at Target used to call me "ese Enrique, lo maximooo"....why? I dont know.
*When I was little I wanted to be an Astronaut. Then an Archaelogist. Yup just like Indiana Jones.
* I think what we have to worry about is not terrorism, but Zombies. Im ready to fight the undead.
*I love Clam Chowder so much I have to say it again
*Im as real as they get. Dont believe me? Go ahead and touch me. Im real see?
*Im an optimist. I get Boo'ed for it.
*Im a hopeless romantic who believes in the goodness of people.
*I value Honor and Loyalty. I give it no matter what. Too bad some ppl are stupid.
*I want to see Macchu Picchu before I die.
*I have 27 pairs of shoes and only wear three.
*Ive visited 6 countries so far in my life time: United Kingdom, France, Germany, Switzerland, Mexico, and Nicaragua.
*and 10 Mexico states: Chihuahua, Colima, Jalisco, Michoacan, Nayarit, Sonora, Sinaloa, Guanajuato, Quintana Roo, Yucatan and Distrito Federal
Random Facts About Me U Wish You Knew
*Im Left Handed in a lot of things. What? Find out!
*Enrique hates old drivers
*He hates people that drive 55 on the freeway, makes him wish he drove a bulldozer
*He is actually not an asshole, hes a nice guy, then he wakes up in the morning and he is an asshole...
*He Enjoys putting out oil fires by peeing on them
*I have never broken a bone. Ever.
*Contrary to popular belief that Enrique is a paisa ass mothafucker, his great great great grandpa was french.
*I speak french, read and write it but i speak it fucked up so never ask me to speak it...
*Favorite Beers: Pacifico, Modelo, Corona, Tecate. In the order
*favorite tequilas: Centenario, Cazadores, Patron, Jimador, in no order, all mixed up with Squirt! wooo!
*I was deathly afraid of carnaval clowns will i was 7 years old. Now theyre just creepy and serial killer-ish.
*My first car was a navy blue 1992 Ford Escort. Blue?!?! you say?!?! Yes, Blue.
*Most ordered Item and Jack in the Box: Number 6
*Number One Enemy in the World: Onions*Number Two Enemy in the World: Carlos Mencia
*Thoughts on stupid girls: "They need to be put inside a locked bus and pushed into a rain filled canal"On Politics: "Bush sucks butt holes"
* I talk entirely too much shit, people know that
*Im way smarter than I look. I could read at 4 years old.
*No im not a wetback, I was born in Berkeley.
*Number One music played in my car: Banda. Dont like it? Write a formal complaint to: Kiss my fucking Ass.
*My mom calls me Negro. Why? She doesnt know.
*To shoot Im left handed, to play a guitar left, to write, right handed, to color, left handed.
* I read books with no pictures in them, but i like to draw pictures in them.
*When I was five I danced el Jarabe Tapatio in Kindgergarden. Im still traumatized.
*Been almost arrested by not the police but close: A LAPD police chopper with a sniper focused on me and others...
* I Love tacos de tripa (fried cow intestine, mm)
*Beer does NOT cure my hangover. Makes me throw up more.
*Is a devout Catholic when faced with adversity and sticky situations
*Hates moronic girls with no self respect and knowledge.
*corridos are the shit.
*people hate me and like me because im a smartass.
*I have my tongue pierced.
* I have 4 tattoos, soon to be more
*I have 8 last names. Im Mexican, try to guess them all and win 1,000,000 pesos.
*Contrary to popular belief, not all Mexicans can swim, I cant. However I can clib a fence and a tree.
*Contrary to what people have said, I do NOT salute the Mexican flag every morning and sing the National Anthem out loud.
*Only things i trust are mis huevos cabrones. No, seriously.
* I was a Lego Maniac when I was little. Still Am. Haha
*favorite hobby: stabbing girls with my penis. Joke.
*i still play in Mc Donalds playgrounds, I dont care what the manager says.
*according to some, I hold conversations with toilets when Im drunk
*when im drunk im so nice, i make Mother Teresa seem like a mass murderer.
*i like anything mafia related. books, movies etc.
*i quote movies all the time and it annoys ppl.
*i argue too much with people and Im always right.
*i would make a good lawyer but im afraid of public speaking.
*I love opera. I had a wonderful operatic voice till puberty hit and now i sound like a cat being painfully tortured.
* I have OCD to a less extent than some. I only eat vegetables cut into small pieces NEVER BIG...and I only eat the Doritos with hella powder on them (Spicy Nacho n Cool Ranch). You call that crazy? I call it unique. : )
* I always watch a movie before falling asleep at night. If I dont I cant sleep.
*I dream in color, and they have plots, characters, drama, suspense, action. I dream historical dreams, action dreams, horror dreams...I think maybe cause I watch movies before sleeping...
*Im the first one in my family to graduate High School.
*I hate novelas. Mexican novelas. Other novelas might be ok.
*Even though I have been mistaken for a Fresa, I think the Fresa subculture has to dissapear from the face of the earth, I blame it for Mexico still being a third world country when it has the potential to be a First World Country...why? Dont ask me.
*Even though I love corridos, I hate Los Amos de Nuevo Leon y los Inkietos. Any pendejo can sing about snorting coke and smoking crystal... I took a shit earlier doesnt mean ima make a corrido called "Desmadre en el Bano"
* I like old school corridos and narco corridos. Not the stupid shit nowadays that talks about being high all the time... Drug addiction is not to be glamourized pendejos. Dont get high off your own product, bestias.
*I hate Fox News and Lou Dobbs. Im surprised these people have jobs really. I want a job where I can blame Obama and Mexicans for the Holocaust and World War My nina Aurelia shot Kennedy. she told me.
*Drink at the club: Long Island Iced Tea
*Drink at your moms house: Tequila, Coke, Sal y Limon.
*Im deaf in both ears and people don't believe me. Not entirely but yeah u get it.
*Doctors gave me 2 weeks to live when I was born. That was in July 1984. December 2008 and I'm still here causando desmadre...
*I have a hole in my heart that can possibly kill me. But Doctors say I should live my life and not be
*Im addicted to Altoids Mints the tiny ones.
*I love Clam Chowder. In a can or a bread bowl in Fishermans Wharf in SF.
*When I have money I will have a bidet cause I think wiping my ass is a waste of my time
*When I have money I will also have a water fountain but instead of water it will have Micheladas
*When I have money I will employ Mexicans to do my various tasks. And every month I will reward them with a carne asada picnic at the park wit a lil 3 guy band that play norteno and corridos..Every Month. Whether they like it or not..
.*Sometime before im 95 years old I will own a nightclub.
* I like to save peoples relationships yet cannot save any of my own.
*I love to listen and offer advice. Yet no one listens to me.
*Somewhere in a beach in Puerto Vallarta, there is a bracelet with my name on it, buried in the sand.
*I love Lions. Its my favorite Animal. Guess Why?
*I love cock fights (no not the gay ones, the rooster ones) and horses.
*I hate the Kay Jewelry commercials (guy gives girl a diamond and she kisses him and falls in love with him. Anybody see something wrong here?) Lesson: Give a girl a diamond and she will love u forever. No, no, no, no she isnt a gold digging bitch*ahem*....likes Diamonds.....yeah.
*Most awesome conversation I ever heard between 2 ppl: Girl: "my bf had a little dick, he sucked. we broke up". Guy: "can i fuck you with my huge dick? You will like it. Then ill throw you out like the bitch u are. Act like a bitch, get treated like one". Girl: "ugh ur mean". --- LMAO....OWNED!
* I have almost died on 2 occasions: Near fatal drowning when I was 11, and a car accident in 2006.
*I love Coca Cola. Especially Mexican Coca Cola.
*Burger King is my favorite. I always have it My Way.
*I absolutely hate Walnut Creek and everything in it and I will only go there when I absolutely have to.
* Im always chewing on a toothpick. For some reason it annoys some people.
*Ive seen the Mona Lisa at the Louvre. Its really small.
*I never wear the same facial hairstyle more than 3 weeks.
*Ramiro at Target used to call me "ese Enrique, lo maximooo"....why? I dont know.
*When I was little I wanted to be an Astronaut. Then an Archaelogist. Yup just like Indiana Jones.
* I think what we have to worry about is not terrorism, but Zombies. Im ready to fight the undead.
*I love Clam Chowder so much I have to say it again
*Im as real as they get. Dont believe me? Go ahead and touch me. Im real see?
*Im an optimist. I get Boo'ed for it.
*Im a hopeless romantic who believes in the goodness of people.
*I value Honor and Loyalty. I give it no matter what. Too bad some ppl are stupid.
*I want to see Macchu Picchu before I die.
*I have 27 pairs of shoes and only wear three.
*Ive visited 6 countries so far in my life time: United Kingdom, France, Germany, Switzerland, Mexico, and Nicaragua.
*and 10 Mexico states: Chihuahua, Colima, Jalisco, Michoacan, Nayarit, Sonora, Sinaloa, Guanajuato, Quintana Roo, Yucatan and Distrito Federal
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