Friday, October 29, 2010

The Blind One

Monday, July 07, 2008

In life I have met many people that I choose to call "The Blind One". I choose to call them Blind as to not vulgarly call them other words that would probably be more appropos and fitting to their personality. Here are some that come to mind: Stupid, Retarded, Naive, Dumb, Ignorant etc. This person dubbed the "Blind One" goes through life believing every spoonful of bullshit fed to her (or him, yes there are dumb ass guys out there too). Girls and guys that choose to stay in fucked up situations. Picture this: You are 4 years old, you see the oven on. A nice pretty blue flame. OOOO you say, maybe I will touch the pretty blue flame. "@#$@@#$!!" you exclaim, said pretty flame just burned the shit out of you. Pain, Tears. Ok never again will I fall for that shit again, pretty blue flames hurt...So you never do that again right? WRONG. There are people out there, that see blue flames, think theyre pretty even though they burn the shit out of you and cause you pain and tears. Instead of walking away and turning on the TV to watch Go Diego Go, they stay at the oven. Burning themselves time and time again. When asked why? "Well the flame is pretty and blue"...shocking right? Years ago I used to know someone. She constantly got cheated on. Pushed around. Treated like crap. Well now she is hapilly married with the guy. Same shit goes on. Same shit, different day. The Blind one will seek good relationships and companionships and oftentimes they will find them. Something good. But the Blind one tends to be scared of good things. These good things are foreign to him and her. They tend to destroy the good thing, self destruct and push everything away in favor of something mediocre and pointless. Here the Blind One feels at ease and completely happy. Naivete rules. Ignorance reigns. Maybe lots of you know people that are like the Blind One. A cousin perhaps? A Best Friend? Maybe YOU are the blind one. Doubt you would call yourself a Blind One though because more than often the Blind One NEVER recognizes that they have a problem. All is good in the hood, to them. If you tell them their man or girl is blatantly cheating on them "No theyre not, they love me". As I said, Stupidity rules over their judgement. So if you encounter a Blind One, guide them through the darkness so that one day, maybe not today, not tomorrow, but someday, they see the light

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