Friday, October 29, 2010

Is Anyone Faithful Anymore?

Saturday, April 19, 2008

As of late, I have asked myself a question. Is anyone faithful anymore? Experiences in life have led me to believe that no, no one is faithful anymore. As a famous comedian once said "people are as faithful as their options". Experiences have made me ask; What happened to Respect? What happened to treat others as you would treat yourself? What happened to Loyalty? What happened to being a gentleman and treating a lady right and being a lady and treating your guy right? Seems that people only say they are happy, until there is a certain someone that pops up out of nowhere and starts our curiosity. Then your boyfriend or girlfriend, husband or wife lies forgotten. This new person captures our imagination and inhibitions and sometimes one thing leads to another. And its done. A betrayal. A lie to the person you said you "loved". If you love someone will you betray them? Will you lie to them? Will you cheat on them? Will you subject them to the heartbreak, tears and pain that these situations cause? Why, all for a moment of lust? Of slight exhilirating passion? Then what? Some people will argue "well i was having problems with my bf or gf". Ok then why not let that person know, and let that person go? Instead of cheating?. Does happiness with others even exist anymore, or are we always constantly looking for change? exploring new horizons, if you will? So once again, I ask, what happened to respect? love? loyalty? Where have they gone

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